Council of the Woods - Grimbeorn and Frodovor Commander Deck

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arctic_dragon37 53

This is my fist Council of the Wise deck that can handle and beat a good variety of quests, and there are a lot of triggers with the contract and the heros that make it enjoyable to play. The variety of reactions means I was playing events I almost never used before in ways that were surprisingly effective. Beravor + Frodo (Frodovor) really helps make a 100 card deck manageable because Frodo keeps your threat constant/low and Beravor churns through your deck for events/cards that are helpful to the quest or encounter cards at hand.

When to Mulligan: Mulligan if you don't have a weapon attachment for Grimbeorn - it's really important that he get +1 or +2 attack right away to be able to deal with most enemies. Definitely keep your hand if you have the Magic Ring, as putting that on Grimbeorn has a lot of opportunities to use any/all of its abilities. You'll also want an ally that can add some questing right away, since the starting quest power is low.

Some Strategies: (1) Use Frodo's ability to ready Beravor and use her ability when it makes sense. For example if a quest has encounter cards that exhaust characters maybe do it right away, otherwise wait in case she needs to block. The variety of event cards really allows you to do a lot of fun tricks and Beravor helps you either build up your hand to allow for a wide variety of responses or actions. Some events will likely not be useful for certain quests, so you can tweak it if you'd like, but the card draw with "Frodovor" will help negate this problem.

(2) Why Gandalf's Search (and other events like it) - I've never played it since the core set, but the Contract gives it more utility, sure it could cycle itself, but you could put that resource anywhere - such as Grimbeorn.

(3) In general, focus on Grimbeorn's attack more than his defense.

(4) Pippin can be substituted in for Beravor if you need a lower starting threat, but in general the deck will go slower.

(5) Resources are pretty tight for most of the game, but there's almost always enough if you play events strategically with using the contract.

The One Ring: You can use this if you choose a slightly harder quest than this deck can handle. If you need questing put it on Frodo (Thematic!), if you need combat attack, then put it on Grimbeorn (not so much...). I personally only use it in this case when I play the game otherwise almost every deck would be a One Ring deck.

I hope you enjoy the deck as much as I have!


Jun 13, 2020 Seastan 45864

Why 100 cards?

Jun 13, 2020 Madd.Dawgg 34

It's likely a reference to the MTG format Commander where you must have 100 cards in a highlander/singleton deck.

Jun 14, 2020 Hippoboy 2

@Seastan large decks are quite fun to run and certain players just prefer it

@arctic_dragon37 I would drop Hidden Cache for The King's Return and also consider adding a DĂșnedain Pipe in place of something

Jun 14, 2020 Zura 292

i' also baffled as to why 100 cards, you could cut a lot of mediocre cards there, like Anchor Watch, Stand Together, Expert Trackers...

Jun 14, 2020 doomguard 2191

would reduce events hat are only usable with special conditions, like grave cairn, noiseless movement, boomed and trumped,.....

Jun 14, 2020 arctic_dragon37 53

Yes it's in reference to MTG Commander which is 100 cards highlander style. And yes it does work more efficiently if it's around 70-80 cards, and trimming out the more specialized events is a great way of getting there

Jun 14, 2020 arctic_dragon37 53

Thanks for the feedback!

Aug 22, 2020 Lecitadin 205

I wonder if it would be possible to build a deck with this contract and 1 copy of every single card of the game....

Aug 26, 2020 arctic_dragon37 53

Haha, while it wouldn't be good (most likely), I'd love to see someone physically bring that to a convention.