kattattack22 Ep 165 Challenge

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kattattack22 866

Deck using 3 of the 4 heroes from Cardboard of the Rings episode 165 deckbuilding challenge.

In addition, every card besides the heroes and Steward of Gondor has one ring on hallofbeorn.com as of June 11th, 2020. I call it, The Ringers.


Valour and Gondor Angbor the Fearless, Knight of Dale, Soldier of Gondor, and Need Drives Them all get boosted at 40 threat. Horns! Horns! Horns!, Saruman, and Palantir help boost threat to Valour. Derufin and Damrod can help control threat or just get discarded after jumping in with Horns! Horns! Horns! to offset threat cost. They can be brought back with Knight of Belfalas

Guarded attachments with the Arkenstone, Mithril Shirt, and Orcrist. King's Return to fetch them. Marnier's Compass to peel locations off any of them. Ones Guarded by enemies will have to be defeated the old fashioned way.

Willpower boosting for unique characters via the Arkenstone and Merry.


Some situational cards for condition removal, shadow canclleation, and readying plus attack boost that are rated 1 ring.