Elladan Beorn

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Elladan and Elrohir
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Adaepholn 161

One half of a fellowship built around Elrohir and Elladan. It's my first time trying them in different decks. I have found the decks quite strong, although early on low willpower can be a problem. The general strategy for the pair of decks is to use Beorn to defend early on while Elrohir helps quest, then once Elrohir has some attachments he can defend against all the enemies. Beorn, Glorfindel and Elladan can all help attack the enemies. If I have Sentinel on Elrohir, from Signal or Arwen I usually try to have the Elladan deck engage most enemies.

For this deck I really hope to see Light of Valinor in the starting hand. I will then quest with Glorfindel and Elladan. Beorn handles early combat on his own, or with the help of Glorfindel if he has Light of Valinor. The tactics allies mostly help with combat but Bofur and the Eagles are good questers. Arwen is great for Elrohir as she gives him sentinel and a defense boost every round. Landroval and Fortune or Fate are all for reviving Beorn if he takes too much damage. Unexpected Courage usually is for Aragorn or Elrohir in the other deck. The Blade and Bow are for Glorfindel and Elladan to help defeat enemies engaged with the other deck. They can also be useful on Legolas if Elladan is needed to quest. I don't find that I need to use Elladan's ability very often, usually Beorn and the allies are enough.

I have played the following scenarios with the fellowships (wins/times played): Return to Mirkwood 1/2, The Watcher in the Water 2/2, Foundations of Stone 2/2, Peril in Pelargir 2/2, Into Ithilien 2/6, Encounter at Amon Din 2/2, A Shadow of the Past 1/2, We Must Away Ere Break of Day 2/2, Over the Misty Mountains Grim 2/2.

I then started a campaign playthrough and have currently got as far as the Siege of Gondor. The campaign is going very well. A Shadow of the Past 1/1, A Knife in the Dark 1/1, Flight to the Ford 1/1, The Ring Goes South 1/1, Journey in the Dark 2/3, Breaking of the Fellowship 1/2, The Uruk-Hai 2/2, Helm's Deep 1/4, The Road to Isengard 1/1, The Passage of the Marshes 1/2, Journey to the Cross-roads 1/1, Shelob's Lair 1/1, The Passing of the Grey Company 2/2.

I have made some minor changes to this deck, I took out Quick Strike as I didn't feel it was useful enough. I also added more Ancient Mathoms for draw and took out some copies of the expensive allies. During the campaign I used The Three Hunters to great effect. Beorn is also a great archery sink and is great for managing early enemies.