lonely tower of defense

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lonely tower of defense 0 0 0 1.0
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doomguard 2191

beregond as grey wanderer tries to defend the whole table. ONLY IN MULTIPLAYER up to 5 defendses since 1. round (use the contract in the combat phase => 2 defenses + 3 events (feint, behind strong walls, hold your ground) or 2 events and 1 miruvor.

1st. attachement is gondorian shield or hauberk.

if no one on the table is using the ring, he cann use it and add inner strength.

rest should be clear, find a song and give him the brand, add as much courage as possible and a spear, and he can defend with events a wholelot... or with hour of wrath a complete combatphase.

this is the ultimte defense-version.

if you want to have some attack-potential, cut open the armory, select shield and cut 2 of them, cut 2 spears, 2 minstrel, 1-2 master of the forge add 9-11 allies with range (most times he will defend at other players)


May 28, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

How about some Honour Guard, Defender of Rammas, Déorwine and Raiment of War to fulfill even more the defense role in multiplayer?

May 28, 2020 doomguard 2191

raiment is not possible with shield, counts as 2 restricted. deorwine is to expensive at all. better an cheap event, than a medium dfender as rammas. (defending for 4 ith 1 hp is medium, not good for modern szenarios) but feel free, to make your version. this is the version with most highdefense-defending and high probability to cancel shadow early. a courage on beregond is better then every ally who can defend worse than him.

honour guard is a possibility to increase his defense, and specially in szenarios with archery a good option. but then you have to reduce the probability to get early the torch on him, oder cut some events.

May 28, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

I was just suggesting stuff you might possibly find useful, that's all.

The Raiment was for the allies, not Beregond. Allies in generale have the advantage of not being one-shot as the events.

Instead of the Burning Brand (which if you play by the latest version is Restricted and exhaust to cancel one shadow effect) you might consider the Staff of Lebethron since you start with a low threat, that does not require a Song first.

Another way to get even more defense out of Beregond would be Outmatched for those enemies that might engage you.

By the way have you seen the spoiled cards from the last AP of Vengeance of Mordor?

May 28, 2020 doomguard 2191

i have not seen a brand with your text. as long as there is no official ruling, the brand do that, what is written on it. (perhaps there should be 2 differend brands in the game?). IF the brand do not work as its text describe, then there have to be some more shadowcancelling. (staff is a good option) i have seen the cards, what do u propose?

@raiment and ally, that cost at least 2 cards and 4 ressources. these are better invested in beregond. there is no carddraw wxcept the masters. the cards should as much as possible take partof the maintask, that is beregond defends as much as possible. and 4 ressources and 2 cards are e.g. a courage and a event thats better.

May 28, 2020 doomguard 2191

outmatched is an interesting idea, what would you cut for it?

May 28, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

A Burning Brand was stealth-errata'ed in the new reprints, a fact that made a lot of fan of the game quite bitter. You can find more info (and a photo of the new Brand here community.fantasyflightgames.com Of course you are free to keep playing the card as initially printed.

For Outmatched I would cut 1 Spear of the Citadel (you can only play 1 of those in any case) 1 Song of Wisdom (you would still have effectively 5 copies of it with the Minstrels) and 1 Miruvor.

The Tactics allies have also the advantage of not using your off-sphere play. Since it's only once per turn in the first turns you would have to decide between playing the Minstrel/Song/Brand or Unexpected Courage or Master of the Forge.

I understand the goal of having Beregond be the Uber-defender for the whole Fellowship and how setting it up is the main priority. Mine were suggestion to better accomplish that by having some more breathing room in the difficult first rounds.

May 28, 2020 doomguard 2191

your suggestions are fine. especially outmatched for miruvor. makes nearly the same but is the same sphere.

if my table want to Play "Sneak-errata" then i will do, else i will do it when its a official errata, not before.

btw. the song is neutral, does not make of-sphereproblems ;)

May 28, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

For the song the problem is that you can't play both the Song and the Burning Brand in the same turn (since it's only the first card you play in the planning phase that can be off-sphere).

May 28, 2020 doomguard 2191

it is unlikely to have both in the starting hand. if the torch stands in round 3 it should be enough, perhaps a sterner than steel appears until then.

May 28, 2020 CT1992 1

The Song of Wisdom gives so you could play them in the same round.

May 29, 2020 doomguard 2191

right i forgot. and after you have the song, master and minstrel are not longer off-sphere.

if my table wants to play with the not officially erratet version i think i swap to spiritsongs skip the torch and take hasty stroke and staff of lebetron, or make a spirit-beregond-tower