Killing the Nameless Fear

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emorlecallor 1276

It is a curious but true fact that the Nameless Fear, the big boss in Flight from Moria, is not indestructible. Yes, he has 27 hit points, and yes, you can't actually engage him, but you can kill him using an underrated hero: Dúnhere.

Using Dunhere allows you to steadily chip away at the Nameless Fear one damage at a time, right? The Fear starts at 2 and Dunhere attacks for three, so case closed, use Galadriel and spend 27 turns killing the Fear, then start looking for a way out. Right? Wrong. Time to rummage around in the not-used-very-often card shed and grab an Unseen Strike. This is effectively 3 extra damage to the Nameless Fear, letting you boost Dunhere's attack by 3 against the 50-engagement-cost Fear. The best part about it, however, is that you can recycle it with Háma and use it to speed up your Fear-killing. Another way to give Dunhere additional is with Spear of the Mark. Get two of these on Dunhere and you're dealing the Fear 5 damage each turn. Powerful.

Here are some tips for effectively using the deck to beat Flight from Moria:

-Find a benign quest card and stay there. You do NOT want to get stuck on A Wrong Turn or Hasty Council. Both are certain to add to your victory point total, and should be avoided. Loiter at Heading Up, Heading Down, Escape from Darkness, Narrow Paths, or one of your side quests. Normally the idea with Flight from Moria is to dig through quest cards until you find a winning one, but here you just need to stay at a harmless one and quest to break even until you've killed the Nameless Fear.

-Don't be afraid to explore quest cards once you've killed the Nameless Fear. The victory display won't matter anymore and exploring quests will let you thin the quest deck until you find Escape from Darkness. Also remember that A Foe Beyond is harmless with no Nameless Fear in play.

-Mulligan for either Spear of the Mark or Dagger of Westernesse. They will give you the attack boost necessary to kill the Nameless Fear.

-If the victory point total does end up rising with the Fear in play, don't panic. Simply keep recycling your Unseen Strikes and you can still kill the Fear.

-The Nameless Fear has no victory points, so it will reshuffle itself into the encounter deck if you don't hurry up once you've killed it. Hence the two copies of Out of the Wild, which will put it in the victory display it loves SO much.

-Nenya pays for cards.

Happy Balrog-hunting!


Jun 10, 2016 Lord Alcaron 171

Unfortunately, it has been ruled that you can't kill the Nameless Fear with Dunhere:

Jun 10, 2016 emorlecallor 1276

@Lord AlcaronThank you for letting me know! I suppose it would be slightly overpowered if you could just kill it with Dunhere, but it was an interesting mental exercise nonetheless to try and kill a Balrog!

Everyone else please disregard this deck. I feel bad about publishing it now...