Dwarf Lore/Spirit Deck V1.0

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HolyHamNCheese 4

New update for my Dwarf Lore/Spirit deck (first deck I've put together). Lots of special thanks to @doomguard for helping me make it much better.

The only slight break to the theme is the inclusion of Imaldris Stargazer x3 to make the Zigil Miners x3 more effective. I'm not sure why a pointy-earred leaf lover is helping the dwarfs, but here she is.

Any more tips/improvements @anyone? Thanks for checking it out!


May 22, 2020 HolyHamNCheese 4

I thought about removing Ancient Mathom x2 as it's not essential and goes against keeping as many costs at 2 as possible (for Zigil Miners to do their thing), but that card draw has saved me in previous scenarios... Is it redundant (as with this deck, you'll have LOTS of card draw built in) and I'm causing more harm than good with it?

May 22, 2020 doomguard 2191

do you have this: ringsdb.com ?

if not put in some healer, they cost also 2, and consider proxie this dwarf ringsdb.com , then accidentially discard a valuable card ist not this much of a trouble.

and btw ancient mathom is also a good card for mining, because if you use it, and put on the top of yout deck, you can mine for 1 res.

May 22, 2020 HolyHamNCheese 4

@doomguardNo, I don't have it. :(

That dwarf card looks like it would definitely be super helpful, but I'm trying to avoid proxies for the time-being...

By "healer", do you mean Warden of Healing ?

Also not sure how you mean putting Ancient Mathom back on top of my deck? Maybe I'm missing a rule?

May 22, 2020 HolyHamNCheese 4

Would it best best to ditch Zigil mining as an idea if I want to skip those card suggestions I don't have?

May 22, 2020 doomguard 2191

sorry i misjudged ancient mathom with ringsdb.com

the mathom seems not really effective in that deck. and yes with healer i mean the warden.

ditch zigil mining? i would not. you have will of the west and a dwarven tomp to recieve it back if you accidentially mine it away. and with a stargazer out you can mine precisely.

May 22, 2020 HolyHamNCheese 4

Awesome, thank you for all the help, @doomguard. I've learned a lot from you today.

May 23, 2020 doomguard 2191

my plesure, for every player who improve his dwarfness, the best race on all middlearth ;) (it really shines if you play together with a 2. deck that includes dain)

May 23, 2020 HolyHamNCheese 4

@doomguard Dwarfs are always the best: Middle-earth, Hoxxes IV, or Warhammer! Haha!

Honestly the more I've looked at this deck and my cards today, I think I'm going to try my hand at a tri-sphere dwarf deck tomorrow at the very least replacing Bombur with Dain Ironfoot if I can get resource generation to still work out with tri-sphere.

May 23, 2020 HolyHamNCheese 4

@doomguard Dwarfs are always the best: Middle-earth, Hoxxes IV, or Warhammer! Haha!

Honestly the more I've looked at this deck, my card today, and the advice I've gotten from you and folks on the lotrlcg subreddit; I think I'm going to try my hand at a tri-sphere dwarf deck tomorrow at the very least replacing Bombur with Dain Ironfoot if I can get resource generation to still work out with tri-sphere.