Hobbits doing hobbitesque stuff

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Liga Hobbit mazo 2 0 0 0 1.0
Visiting Bree 3 2 0 1.0
Hobbits doing hobbitesque stuff (modified) 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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In Play
Discard Pile

TheChad 14292

Hobbits, you could learn all there is to know about them in a month; and after 100 years they can still surprise you. -Gandalf

This deck is a solo version, if you want to play a fellowship version please see: http://ringsdb.com/fellowship/view/560

When Elevenses was released I made it a personal mission to make that card worth 1 resource. I believe this deck does just that. The goal of the deck is to get Hobbit Pony and Hobbit Pipe on your hobbits. When you quest with a hobbit riding a pony and carrying a pipe, you commit that hobbit to the quest. Then, after staging you stop for elevenses. After eating you smoke your pipe. Then, hop back on your pony. You lose no willpower but gain cards and reduce your threat. In a lot of situations you will over-quest. Some quests don't allow you to place progress on the quest, or you are just clearing a side-quest. In those cases a lot of willpower is 'wasted'. This is a perfect time to play Elevenses.

Most of this deck is very straight-forward. Play allies, stay in secrecy as long as you can. Use threat reduction events to trigger the pipes. Chump Bilbo Baggins if you draw the 2nd copy and need to find another pipe.

Some other tricks: you can perfectly plan your round using Celduin Traveler, Ithilien Lookout, or Henamarth Riversong to peek at the top card of the encounter deck prior to staging. You then know exactly what you need for the quest, and if you can overquest. If you are able to overquest by a lot then that is the perfect time for Elevenses even if you don't have ponies. Dwarven Tomb is an excellent way to re-use Elevenses when your board is set up. A total of 2 resources to drop your threat by 3 or more and draw 2 or more cards is well worth it.

In the end, you should be questing for 15-20, have a few big allies that kill and defend (Elf-stone and Resourcefulhelps get them in play), and still maintain low threat.


Jun 09, 2016 Beorn 14320

Great deck. I'm going to run it at our Austin group and see how it plays. It's cool to see Hobbits start to come together as a faction. The sideboard gave me a good chuckle - I hope that Brandon has seen it.

Jun 09, 2016 TheChad 14292

haha, Thank you Beorn. 'This sideboard is brought to you by...Brandon!' Good luck!

Jun 18, 2016 Morgothsfoot 10

Can't wait to try this one. I've neglected the Hobbits for too long.

Jun 19, 2016 EarlyToBed 2

Oh my god, thank you thank you, I've been looking for a different way to play hobbits besides my Sam/merry/Pippin deck.

Nov 14, 2016 christottey85 97

I love this deck. I think, even though there's no actual advantage, I wouldn't be able to resist sword thain for Sam. Just to have the 4 of them on the front line

May 04, 2018 Helena Real 239

I LOVE this deck, but I'd like to ask a question: what should I take out if I wanted to include the sideboard? Thanks a lot! :D

May 04, 2018 TheChad 14292

Elfstone for sure, keep as many allies as possible so Timely Aid works. Probably drop some events. Song of Kings and Timely And are the most important