The Prancing Caldara

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I Will Survive 94 66 3 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
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Seastan 45864

I modified this Caldara decklist to specifically deal with the challenges posed by the Murder at the Prancing Pony. It works with any player count.

The most important card here is Elfhelm. Over the course of one 3 player game, he saved me at least 100-200 threat. I'm not kidding. There is a location, Market Square, in the quest that causes you to raise your threat by 1 every time you place a progress token on a location in the staging area. Normally it would be suicide to use 3x Northern Tracker to clear a bunch of locations from the staging area, especially with 2 or 3 Market Squares in play. This makes location lock almost unavoidable in this quest. However, since each threat increase hits you one at a time, Elfhelm can negate it all.

Recycling Hama with Caldara helps a lot with defending the strong attackers, and Glorfindel, Elfhelm, Northern Trackers, and Damrod provide enough attack to take out the suspects.


Jun 15, 2016 Azeltir 25

In a three player game, though, the Market Squares are still rough, right? You don't threat up, but your fellow two players will. How did they manage to deal with 100-200 threat?

Jun 16, 2016 Seastan 45864

@AzeltirMarket square reads: "Forced: After a player places any amount of progress on a location in the staging area, he raises his threat by 1."

So no one other than the Northern Tracker player has to increase their threat.

Jul 30, 2016 Morgothsfoot 10

This is great! I've been looking for a Caldara deck, and a way to beat The Prancing Pony. This kills two Fernys with one apple. Do you have a Silvan deck on here? I've been struggling to build one that works well.