“Radagast is, of course, a worthy Wizard, a master of shapes and changes of hue; and he has much lore of herbs and beasts, and birds are especially his friends.”
-Gandalf in The Fellowship of the Ring
This deck is currently untested for me, but was a fun concept to put together. Radagast with eagles makes a lot of thematic sense and with his ability to pay for them due their creature trait, it’s not much of a problem. In looking to try to finish filling out the deck I considered several options, then I noticed the pile of Beornings sitting in my box. The Great Bear is a creature....the 2 Beorn heroes generate red so they can help pay for eagles...Landroval has synergy to bring back Beorn if he dies....this seemed like a really solid way to go. Thematically, it absolutely makes sense (I always do my best to make decks as thematic as possible).
It has a high starting threat, but the 3 Gandalfs should help. This deck absolutely relies on ally spam, but that doesn’t mean the heroes don’t do a LOT. Beorn smacks people for 5 on turn 1, Grimbeorn sits at 3/3 for attack and defense, with Durins Axe thrown in as a chance to pump him up to a 5 attack with a little splash damage potential. Self Preservation is to help keep Radagast and Grimbeorn alive (with 3 defense each it shouldn’t be too hard to keep them alive with this on them). Support of the Eagles is an amazing equip card. I’ve used it in previous decks to gain massive defense or attack boosts to heroes.
Lore of Imladris is a card I’m a little unsure of at this moment. I’ve got some decks in mind for this one to fellowship with, and it’s with that in mind they are here.