Stolen Secrecy

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klingan 9

Stolen decklist from BGG, couldn't find it here, and I've been using this deck quite a bit.

Initial draw you preferably want Resourceful and/or Steward of Gondor to boost Pippin resource pool. Timely Aid to fish for Gildor Inglorion or Haldir of Lórien. Fast Hitch and Friend of Friends is the basis for getting questing, attacking and defending going.

Usually this deck is paired with a mono spirit deck with Beregond, Glorfindel and Éowyn Which aids in questing, blocking and attacking in the early rounds as well as threat reduction in later rounds for gaining the secrecy bonus. A lot of the unique cards can feed Éowyn when questing once you already have them on the board.

Would probably add Strider if I had it.

Sideboard would be Noiseless Movement, another Gandalf, Beorn, Miner of the Iron Hills, Forest Snare, In the Shadows, Elf-stone and Dúnedain Mark.


Apr 09, 2020 Alonewolf87 2433

If you have it you could add Folco Boffin, you still start in secrecy, you have a couple of rounds extra resources and questing and then when you feel the need

Apr 09, 2020 klingan 9

Yes, then Folco Boffin would go into this deck, which would help with early resources. This would mean some of the resource cards could be removed and make room for Strider and attack and block cards. The deck is still missing some attacking punching power though, to handle later quests high enemy stats. Sneak Attack + Gandalf is still the main way to damage the more difficult enemies.