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In Play
Discard Pile
Darkling Door 6609
This is a solo Gondor deck I've been working on for a little while. I've been trying to find a way to use Gandalf + Narya somewhere other than a "3-ringbearers" deck, and I really wanted to be able to make use of the fact that he gains a leadership resource.
I like that this deck came out kind of thematically representing that scene in the books where Imrahil and Gandalf ride through the streets of Minas Tirith in Return of the King.
General strategy
Mulligan for Steward of Gondor, but don't panic if you don't get it right away. The goal is pretty simple: dump tons of Gondor allies down on the board, then combine them with Faramir and/or Visionary Leadership to blow through the quest. Defense is typically done by chump blocking, but you can use any of the heroes in the early game while you build up your board state.
The card draw that Gondor so desperately needs is provided by a combination of the Rod of the Steward and Gandalf's Staff, as well as Gandalf's natural ability to play the top card of your deck.
Steward of Gondor, Rod of the Steward, and Visionary Leadership go on Denethor. Everything else goes on Gandalf. Cram can be useful in the early game before you get Shadowfax to help with attack or defense as needed (since Gandalf is pretty much always questing) or to enable you to use Narya.
Why did Guard of the Citadel make the cut and Pelargir Ship Captain get relegated to the sideboard!?
Because it seemed a shame not to use the Guard of the Citadel in a deck called The White City. But feel free to switch him for the Ship Captain whose ability could actually be useful to move resources around for Ingold or get better use out of Gandalf's stuff.
Other thoughts
The deck originally featured Boromir, but I found that the extra and readying that Prince Imrahil provided was decisive in the early game. In multiplayer, where other decks can take a little of the heat off for a turn or two, Boromir might be better.
I'm still going through the process of testing this deck and tightening it up. It did pretty well against Massing at Osgiliath, but couldn't hold up against the early-game onslaught of Into Ithilien. It can handle enemies, but not tons of them all at once, and it struggles against huge enemies like the Mumak.
Suggestions would be welcome!