Hobbit Pipes: Pure Series #2

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Mustardman 576

Pure Series:

I realized that my original Pure Series has become out of date, so I've remade many (if not all) of my decks.

This is a series of about 10 decks that I made that don’t share any cards with each other. Meaning I can only use Steward of Gondor in one of my 10 decks. This forces me to use different methods of card draw and resource generation.

I only use heroes that fit the theme or archetype of the deck.

I do include different cards of the same unique character in different decks. (Ex. Haldir of Lórien hero in my Scout deck and Haldir of Lórien ally in my Silvan deck.)

Hobbit Pipes Deck:

This is a multiplayer deck that does well on the questing front. Along with giving you a large arsenal of options and versatility for whatever situation you run into.

Opening Hand:

You are looking for a Hobbit Pipe in your opening hand, everything else is irrelevant until you get your pipes.

Card Draw:

Your main source of card draw will be the Hobbit Pipes, eventually giving you 3 cards per turn... every turn. In order to get them out early you are really hoping for one in your opening hand and then you can use Heed the Dream and Bilbo Baggins to search for the 2nd and 3rd one. From then on you will be playing one reduce your threat card per turn in order to trigger the pipes. You've got many cards to do this with Elevenses, Smoke Rings, The Shirefolk, and The Galadhrim's Greeting. Old Toby and Gléowine give you alternate sources of card draw. By midgame, your hand should be so full of cards, you won't know what to do with all of them! That's why I've included a lot of x1 of cards to give you many options for whatever situation you find yourself in that round.


Not much consistent resource generation - you really don't need that much, which is why a lot of the cards included are low cost - quick willpower. But I have included Good Meal for your pipe events and you've got Magic Ring + Leaf Brooch.


With a starting threat of 17 and a strategy that focuses on trying to lower your threat every turn, you should be in secrecy for most of the game, but if not, it's not the end of the world. Risk Some Light and Leaf Brooch are the only cards that benefit from secrecy. With such a low threat, I've included Gandalf and the Magic Ring, and then there's Frodo Baggins who is a beast in this deck - able to defend any enemy attack, no matter how high the attack. He gets better with Arwen Undómiel, who gives him sentinel.

Unexpected Courage attaches to Frodo Baggins and so he can quest and defend, but obviously, if there is a better hero out there you can attach it to them and forfeit the 2.

If you have any suggestions or questions comment below



Apr 03, 2020 doomguard 2190

i start with bilbo motk in my actual pipe-hobbitdeck. starting with a pipe is much better i think.

Apr 03, 2020 Mustardman 576

That's a great idea! Starting with a Hobbit Pipe would be a huge advantage. Unfortunately, I don't have Messenger of the King yet. But once I get it I'll definitely look into it.

Apr 13, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

With Hobbits being my favorite characters in LOTR and pipes being very fun to use in the game and real life I had high expectations for this deck. Let me start by saying the card draw and willpower aspects of this deck were strong. With that being said, I was very disappointed by the lack of attack this deck provided to the deck. In my first play test I engaged a hill troll in the first turn and had no way of killing him off. Even with Frodo defending his attack every turn, my threat kept rising and rising from his strong attack. Ultimately I almost lost from the high starting threat these heroes start with and with few threat reducing cards in my deck my threat was very close to 50 by the end of the game. The only way I won the quest was by a little trick I call 'cheating'; you see after my threat reached 49, I decided to stop raising it to prevent losing. (A very good strategy others reading this comment may want to try) I guess this deck is just not made for combat.

Apr 13, 2020 bobbymcbobface 724

@LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle

I'm sure @Mustardmancan defend his own deck, but I will point out a few things. First, I assume you were playing Journey Along the Anduin. I am not sure why on earth you would engage a hill troll first turn. This deck (which I approve of whole-heartedly, and is very fun to play) has a starting threat of 17. There is no reason to engage a hill troll that soon. Between the threat reducing events and Merry and Folco's ability, you can stay below 30 almost indefinitely. The goal with this deck is to build up and then engage whenever you're ready for it. By the time you get Arwen Undómiel and other allies in play, I often find that threat is hanging out around 5. I'm not sure how you can say there were very few threat reducing cards. The Shirefolk, The Galadhrim's Greeting, Elevenses, and Smoke Rings, not to mention the heros. If I were you, I would be careful and make sure your deck piloting skills aren't that which is at fault. Because I don't believe it is this deck.


Two thumbs up!

Apr 14, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

@bobbymcbobface Although this hill trolls engagement cost was 33 and my starting threat was 17 I decided to engage him for 2 reason; 1) his whopping 1 threat if one dared to leave him in the staging arena, (Ive never encountered an enemy with such a high threat!) 2) As the old saying goes "Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today", I did not want to leave the inevitable engagement of the troll for later when I could engage him now. That I why I engaged early on. The reason I did not notice the 4 threat reducing cards you have put above is because I did not read them. A common rule of thumb I use is if a card has more words than I do fingers I am not going to waste my time reading all those words on all of those cards. That is why I prefer to play ally heavy decks because stats are easy to see. My claim stands true about lack of attack. @MustardmanMay I suggest adding a 4th hero to this deck such as Beorn who has a solid 5 attack. He would be able to cleanly take out a hill troll in a quick 5 turns all by himself!

Apr 14, 2020 Swordthatwasbroke 737

@LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle Bruh . . .

Apr 14, 2020 bobbymcbobface 724

@LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A LifestyleI'm sure this concept won't fit inside your incredibly small brain, but some decks are actually meant to go with other decks. A deck isn't trash just because it is weaker on one aspect of the game. Other supporting decks can go with it. That said, there is some decent attack in this deck. Gandalf can quest and still be ready for combat, after defending with Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee can ready with his ability. Folco Boffin has 2. The Northern Tracker, Magic Ring, and Small Target help as well.

Apr 15, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

@bobbymcbobface First off Magic Ring provides 0 attack (If the ring was so magic why doesn't it just kill an enemy off) I understand decks can support and combo each other. Sometimes I play 4, 5, or 6 decks all by myself when playing a solo player game. As I said before I would add an additional 4th hero such as Beorn. This deck has 17 starting threat so that can afford the addition of a 4th hero.

Apr 15, 2020 bobbymcbobface 724

@LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A LifestyleFantasy Flight doesn't make this one, but I think the best game for your superior skill level would be Candy Land! Hope this helps!

Apr 15, 2020 CT1992 1

I think Drinking Song could be a good addition.

Apr 15, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

@CT1992 Drinking Song would be great in this deck! As seen at the top, Mustardman was making a pure serious meaning that none of his decks share any cards. The drinking song was put in the other Hobbit deck in this pure serious.

Apr 15, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

@bobbymcbobfaceDude, How did you know. I am THE BEST at Candy Land! I win every single time while playing by myself!

Apr 16, 2020 Mustardman 576

@CT1992Yes! Drinking Song would be a good addition in order to search for those pipes, but with so much card draw I found it more fitting in the Hobbit deck which is looking for a wide variety of many different attachments.

Apr 16, 2020 Mustardman 576

@LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle As you said above, this deck is part of the Pure Series, which is why I can't put Beorn as my fourth hero, as he is already in my Eagle deck. Very unfortunate