Gondor: Pure Series #2

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Gondor: Pure Series Deck #6 11 9 2 1.0
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Pure Series:

I realized that my original Pure Series has become out of date, so I've remade many (if not all) of my decks.

This is a series of about 10 decks that I made that don’t share any cards with each other. Meaning I can only use Steward of Gondor in one of my 10 decks. This forces me to use different methods of card draw and resource generation.

I only use heroes that fit the theme or archetype of the deck.

I do include different cards of the same unique character in different decks. (Ex. Haldir of Lórien hero in my Scout deck and Haldir of Lórien ally in my Silvan deck.)

Gondor Deck:

This deck focuses on getting and moving around coins in order to get out an army of Gondor characters with boosted stats.

Opening Hand:

In your opening hand, you typically really want to see…

  1. Steward of Gondor
  2. Visionary Leadership


Your main defender is Denethor. He has a strong starting defense of three, but can be boosted to five with Gondorian Shield. But we've also got Knight of the White Tower or Gandalf if needed. Of course, you can always sacrifice off an ally too.

Prince Imrahil's ability is KEY and I usually find myself using it for a defender with the added bonus of not caring if it dies. A lot of the allies in this deck also have a nice resource ability when you put them into play with Prince Imrahil (Ex: Squire of the Citadel, Pelargir Ship Captain, Soldier of Gondor, and Envoy of Pelargir).


Both Boromir and Prince Imrahil have decent attacks of 3, they are your attackers in the early game. But once you have enough allies out, Boromir’s ability comes into play. With an extra attack from Boromir, your weak 1 attack allies become formidable attackers of 2 each!


Visionary Leadership and Faramir can shore up one this deck's weaknesses of a low starting willpower. As soon as you get one of these out though, this deck becomes a questing superpower. Visionary Leadership goes on Boromir.


One thing that Gondor does really well is getting resources. Denethor, Steward of Gondor, Squire of the Citadel, Envoy of Pelargir, Herald of Anórien, and Pelargir Ship Captain all let you either move or gain resources. Steward of Gondor helps you pump out tons of Gondor allies. Attach Steward of Gondor to Boromir.

Denethor helps you get a fast start and can help you transfer resources over to either Boromir or Prince Imrahil (usually Boromir).

Card Draw:

The Gondor theme has tons of ways to get resources, but no card draw! The only card that lets you draw cards is Rod of the Steward, but comes at a high price of 2 coins per card. If you are stuck with resources, but have no cards to play use the Rod of the Steward to help you out. Soldier of Gondor also lets you scry for allies and is usually the main target for Prince Imrahil.

Because of the low card draw in this deck, I included the Gandalf/Sneak Attack combo. Gandalf will usually be used for drawing cards or lowering your threat.


Heir of Mardil is a niche card that works perfectly with Gondor. Once you attach Heir of Mardil to Boromir he can quest without fear. Steward of Gondor or Denethor have the power to ready Boromir (as long as you use them after Boromir exhausts). Since you have to exhaust Heir of Mardil to use its power you can only ready Boromir once per turn. So choose his actions carefully! You usually want to keep a coin on Boromir anyways for is special and Visionary Leadership.

If you have any suggestions or questions comment below
