The Resurrection of Gondor (or: Faramir messenges Willpower)

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
The Simple Math Deck 12 5 2 1.0
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Palpa 12

Since so many years I tried to push the Gondor Theme but never could make it great. Thanks to the new Contract, I think we are finally there.

The deck is quite simple and generic: Play all the cheap Gondor allies, put The Vision on Faramir, the the other two key cards Mana Cheat and this useless Artifact on Aragorn and get +3 on each Character.

To get the things fast, jump the piping old guy and buy cards. In my experience, you should have 20+ turn two by speeding up money and drawing one of the two -boosters in addition to the inspiring Hero you have right from the start. From there, things speed up fast.

Of course you need some Fellows who provide and , this is no single-player deck.

I'd love to make the Deck more thematic by pushing the Gondor Theme further, but this deck is supposed to focus on anyway and I feel that you really need the draw.

Finally, the Go Gondor and Mono Decks can be cool cards are quite situational and might be substituted by more Gondor allies, but they are cool and very satifsying when they safe close situations.


Mar 10, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

You could include Heir of Mardil so that you can prepare Faramir with it during the quest phase to use its ability twice.

Mar 10, 2020 Palpa 12

Owesome idea, thanks!

Mar 10, 2020 Palpa 12

So I think I would switch the two "For Gondor!" (thank god I didn't name the deck after this card) for two heirs and then of course the Steward had to be played on Faramir. This would mean -1 willpower on Aragorn from The Vision, but that doesn't hurt that much.