My Haldan-Mirlonde deck - a tribute to Mr. Underhill

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Mortendall 589

This is a fairly modern deck of the Haldan woodsmen archetype that I have grown very fond of. It is a blast to play. It is a fairly standard Haldan deck - place attachments on locations, get bonuses and ally discounts from said attachments, and find ways to recur Elf-stones and ancient mathoms to draw a ton of cards and put allies into play cheaply. Seriously, this is one of the most draw-heavy decks I have ever made due to Haldan's ability. It is not unusual to draw six cards from a location (3 attachments and ancient mathom). You should ideally clear locations, which will ready Idraen, so her and Haldan are both ready for combat. Beorn, Gildor and Giant bear are all Elf-stone material.

Opening hand: You want some attachments to get your engine rolling, and some allies to help with the willpower. A Mirkwood hunter is always nice to see. A dunedain pathfinder ensures that you have a location to target with your attachments.

Ideally you have a location with an attachment so Haldan can quest for free, and Idraen will ready once the active location is gone. Your allies should help contributing required willpower.

And the keen-eyed Tooks among you might wonder: "What role does Mirlonde have to play in this deck?" And I have to say she adds that little X-factor, that re-assuring smile that says "don't worry, you got this". She is the glue that holds the deck together. My heart tells me that she has some part to play in this, for good or evil, before this is over.


Mar 07, 2020 Rimogard 316

Sounds fun! I also love my Haldan, Treebeard, Mirlonde deck. I rarely play with Idraen so it will be a cool new challenge :)

Mar 08, 2020 Mr. Underhill 4274

I must admit that I have, rather reluctantly, liked and favourited this deck.

Jul 09, 2020 jimthechin 2

Is this a multiplayer or solo deck?

Jul 09, 2020 jimthechin 2

Or do you find the deck effective in both formats? (I'm a newish player and am intrigued by the Haldan location/attachment mechanic and play solo due to shelter-in-place!)

Aug 30, 2020 dubcity566 34

I'd try motk Firyal instead of Mirlonde, a generally great hero but especially helpful to dig for locations in lower player counts.

Aug 30, 2020 doomguard 2191

would add some lembas (mirlondes role to play ;) )