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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Durins_Father 3203
To complete the trinity of cancelling Enemy, Location, Treachery we get this deck which deals with denying as many random factors of this game as possible. See my other two decks on how to deal with enemies via direct damage and how to deal progress tokens to locations
Choosing heroes for this deck was not that difficult since both Balin and Eleanor have a build-in cancellation effect for which they must either exhaust or pay a resource. However, this has the additional cost of revealing another encounter card or dealing the enemy another shadow card. Events like the trusty A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke let you simply discard those cards. So always play those events first before you use the action of the heroes, they are a last resort if something truly dreadful comes out to bite you.
Adding Denethor to the board may seem like a weird choice in this cancellation deck but when you combine him with Henamarth Riversong, you can first take a look at the top card of the encounter deck before deciding to exhaust Denethor to place that card on the bottom of the encounter deck. If you decide not to do that (or you get an Unexpected Courage on him), you can properly defend with Denethor once he has healing effects like Self Preservation and with A Burning Brand he can cancel any shadow effects dealt to him. This is mostly why the sphere was included over another hero. also gives you access to useful allies like Miner of the Iron Hills to remove condition attachments that haven't been cancelled and Rivendell Minstrel to help you find some songs for resource smoothing so that you'll always have that crucial resource for A Test of Will. Elrond is also included once for either his healing, his card draw or his ability to discard those hated condition treachery attachments.
Further allies include some good resource acceleration with the Stargazer and Ziggy. Further defence and Sentinel to Denethor is provided by Arwen Undómiel. Cancellation is helped in the form of Rider of the Mark, Dúnedain Watcher and the Minas Tirith Lampwright to cancel everyone most beloved keyword: SURGE. Further resource smoothing is achieved with Errand-rider and Squire of the Citadel for the cheap chump blocks.
Readying effect for this deck are also quite important and are included with Heir of Mardil+ any resource acceleration on a hero, Miruvor and Unexpected Courage.
Finally, the events in this deck are limited but worth to include since they help you with resources and card draw, provide the ability to smooth resources between the three sphere's and of course the trusty core set Test and Stroke which should come to great effect against most games.
So if you're interested in playing this game and do not want any randomness to it, use this deck to shout every time at the encounter deck: "Aaaaaaaand NOPE, cancelled :)"