Tactics Eowyn Rampant (Proxied)

Questlogs using this decklist
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Boss Killer
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

emorlecallor 1283

This is it.

The deck everyone has been waiting to build.

The MONO-TACTICS questing deck. The deck where Théoden is a good hero. The Ride of the Rohirrim. The thematic Rohan deck...


Not that deck.

This is a deck that is fully dedicated to questing contentedly for most of the game, occasionally killing an enemy or three. But when that boss starts peeking his head out of his door, Eowyn (proxied by Eowyn) will answer. Violently.

Most cards in the deck are designed to abuse Eowyn's ability to give herself 10 once per game by including all sorts of fun effects to make sure she can wreck the board. Hour of Wrath is such an abusable card in this deck, especially with Good Meal's cost reduction. If you're not in Valour, fine. Eowyn can wreck the board all by herself. But, if you're in Valour (or you play multiple copies), combos start to form. Like Eowyn+Merry+Legolas. RIDICULOUS. Merry and Eowyn don't exhaust to attack, attacking with Legolas, who does. Then, you kill whatever foe is on the board, draw a card with Legolas, and then ready Legolas with Merry's ability. Essentially, you kill every enemy on the board and draw that many cards. Also, did I mention Elf-friend? This is designed to go on Eowyn to give her access to Rivendell Bow. DID SOMEONE JUST SAY 10 RANGED ATTACK? With Hour of Wrath?

As for other cards in the deck, Rohan Warhorse goes on Merry to ready himself as well as whoever he's attacking with (Eowyn, maybe?). All the allies are ranged so that Rúmil can one-shot an enemy when he comes into play. Sword-thain is here for extra resources (and the willpower boost to either Legolas or Rumil). Skyward Volley works with all the ranged shenanigans, and Defender of Rammas works as our sole defender. That's kind of sad, so you might want to encourage your buddies to play some Sentinels. Enjoy the deck! Please leave ideas below on how Eowyn can be abused even further. Thank you!