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In Play
Discard Pile
wehehe 1299
Just first brainstorming, but I think the deck may work.
Éomer should have Herugrim plus one Spear of the Mark or one spear and Firefoot. (Attack 6- 7 to staging area, and WP 4)
Galadriel should have Nenya, and ideally, Silver Circlet plus Celebrían's Stone (WP 11).
Éowyn will get Snowmane and Golden Shield, and Inner Strength, just in case you need her to defend an attack. Her ability is also a panic button.
Use Nenya to give +11 WP to Eomer -> Assign him to the quest, hitting by 22 to the poor orc wandering by the staging area. If you have Firefoot you could also kill an engaged enemy.
Galadriel's own ability helps you keep your threat low, and draw, so you'll find the pieces earlier. Mirror of Galadriel and Silver Harp are also there to help you find everything faster.
Jan 27, 2020 |
Jan 27, 2020There might be a legitimate use for late adventurer in this deck. You could delay Eomers commitment to the quest until after staging to hit a revealed enemy. Still edge case but potentially useful for an enemy free staging area. Really like the deck! |
Jan 28, 2020You may want to consider to put Steward of Gondor and Gondorian Fire for those quests where you'll need the extra hitting power. |
Jan 28, 2020Just in case 22 is not enough. Lol ! Anyway, I'm not sure about it. I am a little reluctant to add many non-restricted attachments in Forth, The Three Hunters! decks, as if you draw them in your starting hand, they just minimize your options of a rapid flip. And, particularly this deck, it is very vulnerable to any enemy attack, specially in the early game, where you haven't already had time to setup Eowyn as your defender. Precisely avoid those early attacks, I find that Late Adventurer is a good suggestion, even maybe Battle-fury, because if you have an engaged enemy, and another in the staging area, it can even allow Éomer to attack both of them. |
Jan 28, 2020It was not a serious comment :) |
Jan 29, 2020I don't mean this lightly, this is one of the best solo decks I've ever seen. I'd rate this as a possible "The one deck". Maybe with certain scenarios that hurt attachments or Rhosgobel... but off the top of my head, there isnt much that can survive an auto kill, bleed over, and a massive quest power. Plus with courage you can keep your threat moderately low for the entire game. |
Jan 29, 2020Lol. I like you think that, but that's far from it. It really needs a way to keep enemies in the staging area, as you start at 25 threat and some of them will engage. Also it is weak against quests with bosses which can attack you multiple times. Anyway, I'm glad of the feedback! |
Feb 08, 2020I made a couple of changes and play tested it. Removing Captain's Wisdom and replacing it with Late Adventurer, trimmed it down to two harps and a Grappling Hook. I also finagled the balance of combat with willpower. For example, you probably dont need three Dagger of Westernesse and three Spear of the Mark for eomer. I tossed in one Strider in the hope of playing it on eowyn for extra questing juice. Timing is everything in this very fast deck. Late adventurer and grappling hooks make sure you can commit your boy at the right moment. |
Feb 08, 2020I should also clarify that I play tested this, solo, against: The Oath The caves of nibin-dum Journey along the anduin Escape from dol guldur (went 1/3 on this choosing eomer as my hero each time) |
Feb 10, 2020Dagger of Westernesse are there mostly for allowing a fast flip for the contract, as they can be attached to any of the heroes. Same reason of having 3 copies of Silver Harp, they are there just to increase the odds of drawing one in the first rounds. I'm usually having some troubles to get 2 restricted cards on Galadriel If you are playing without Captain's Wisdom I'd suggest you consider if you can afford Unexpected Courage, as the deck is quite eager for spirit resources, and they could be really hard to play without that resource boost. I'm using Late Adventurer's as sideboard cards in quests with low engaging costs enemies (such as the 7th level). Anyway, if you engage one enemy you should be able to defend it with Éowyn + Golden Shield, if there is another one in the staging area... just keep it engaged, and smash both the Staging area's and the engaged one with Éomer and Firefoot. Good point on Grappling Hook, I use to forget them. |
I forgot to enumerate Silver Harp in the ideal cards to have on Galadriel (without it, she would just have WP 10, not 11)