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In Play
Discard Pile
WingfootRanger 2729
This is the Eagle deck I am playing nowadays. It is strong and consistent, using some powerful cards from and to support the mostly Eagles. For Eagle decks, drawing enough Eagles and being able to pay for them is usually the main concern. This deck addresses that concern and is able to crank out Eagles efficiently.
Opening Hand
The key cards to start with are Eagles of the Misty Mountains, Radagast's Staff, or Support of the Eagles. Word of Command an let us fetch any of those that were not drawn and Gléowine improves the chances of drawing into important cards. Any Dúnedain Warning's are usually played on Amarthiúl early on before Support of the Eagles is available for him, after which they may be better on Radagast.
The goal of the deck is to play Eagles of the Misty Mountains and build it up so that it becomes a glorious large ally and Support of the Eagles does wonders while attached to Amarthiúl and Bard the Bowman. I tend to prioritize Amarthiul for Support of the Eagles first, then give the second one to Bard. Defense is more necessary, and Bard is often good at killing enemies even without Support of the Eagles. Amarthiul gets Armored Destrier to provide more defenses, and he can have both of them since they the only two restricted attachments intended for him in the deck. Same goes for Bard, except he gets Rohan Warhorse to provide more attacks. Radagast gets Radagast's Staff of course and will often be questing or defending.
All three heroes have a way of paying for Eagle cards, but in case more sphere smoothing is necessary, Errand-rider is included. Once Radagast's Staff is in play, paying for Eagles tends to be very easy. Gwaihir's Debt can both fetch an Eagle and place it under Eagles of the Misty Mountains after the fetched Eagles leaves play and Flight of the Eagles is also for placing Eagles under Eagles of the Misty Mountains in a similar way. To top it all off, this deck includes Sneak Attack Gandalf and Warden of Healing which are both highly useful and help with enduring the long game.
Tips and Tricks
It is often best to wait until Eagles of the Misty Mountains is played before attacking with Vassal of the Windlord, but in case you needed to do so, playing or Sneak Attacking Gwaihir can get the vassal back.
If you don't find Errand-rider to be useful to you, there are other notable cards in the sideboard, such as Heed the Dream, Man the Walls, Landroval, or Dúnedain Signal (for Amarthiul) that are also great in the deck.
With Support of the Eagles on Amarthiul, do you just plan on keeping an enemy engaged with you from that point forward?