The Three Hunters, Thematically

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Levache 113

This is my first stab at a thematic three hunters deck with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. I've consistently beaten The River Running with this deck, and it's a lot of fun. There are some obvious limitations here, though, which make this more of a niche deck than a well-rounded one that can handle most quest types. That said, it's fun to see the original three hunters together on the table in a way that works.

To play, put The One Ring and Inner Strength on Gimli. Mulligan for Elven-light, which you'll need for card draw if you don't get all but one or two of the restricted attachments you need. I would keep a hand with Raiment of War, which goes on Gimli, because defense in the early game can be a little tricky. I try to maximize action advantage with Unexpected Courage, Steed of the North, and Miruvor.

In an ideal world your three hunters will have the following restricted attachments when they are all set up:

Aragorn gets Celebrían's Stone, Steed of the North, and War Axe

Gimli gets The One Ring, and Raiment of War

Legolas gets Silver Circlet, Mirkwood Long-knife, and either Elven Spear or Steed of Imladris (depending on whether you need more attack power or more location control).

Once you're up and running, you should be using Gimli and Legolas' synergy to quest (throw in Aragorn, too, if needed). Fully outfitted, the three of them can quest for 21 (see attachment list above) with Gimli ready and Aragorn able to be readied if you engage an enemy. Gimli can defend for 4 with 7 hit points (hopefully with a ready or two thanks to Miruvor and/or Unexpected Courage). Legolas can attack for 5 (more if you have Elven Spear and cards you can afford to discard). Aragorn can attack for 6. The Forth, The Three Hunters! provides the only healing in the deck, but it should be enough for many quests.

You'll want to move fast with this deck given the high starting threat and the reduced threat elimination level of 45. Favor of the Valar can buy you a few turns, but this is not a deck that likes to turtle.

Give it a spin and let me know what you think.


Jan 25, 2020 Yepesnopes 1316

It is a nice deck, but then I read "Thematically" and the first thing I read is The One Ring goes on Gimli... :)

Jan 26, 2020 Levache 113

LOL! Such a good point. The One Ring is definitely a departure from theme, but necessary given Gimli’s poor defense stats at baseline and the need to get restricted attachments out as quickly as possible. This deck could probably function without it, but it might take an extra turn to flip the contract. If you take out the One Ring and the Master card you could replace them with two copies of Ring Mail.

Jan 26, 2020 Levache 113

LOL! Such a good point. The One Ring is definitely a departure from theme, but necessary given Gimli’s poor defense stats at baseline and the need to get restricted attachments out as quickly as possible. This deck could probably function without it, but it might take an extra turn to flip the contract. If you take out the One Ring and the Master card you could replace them with an extra copy of Ring Mail and Round Shield.

Jan 30, 2020 mrnick 1

For gimli defense, I’m a fan of ancestral armor for Gimli over raimant of war. A little pricier and doesn’t get the 2 restricted bonus, but 3 cost with the contract makes him very tanky

Jan 31, 2020 Levache 113

@mrnickthat is a great suggestion. I initially passed on Ancestral Armor because of the cost, but I could easily increase Ring Mail to a three of card, take out Raiment of War, and add two Ancestral Armors. I'll give it a try and see how it goes. Thanks again!

Mar 03, 2021 orcstalker 37

Isn't only one Favor of the Valar allowed in a player's deck?

Mar 03, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@orcstalker No it means that each player can only have one Favor of the Valar attached to their threat dial.

Mar 03, 2021 Levache 113

That’s correct. Also, I’ve played a version of this deck without The One Ring and threat hasn’t really been an issue. The trade off is it takes 1-2 turns longer to flip your contract. Still a fun deck, though.

Mar 04, 2021 Uruk-guy 554

Just a thought, but Silver Harp could be of some use on Legolas until the Elven-Light's start circulating but I can understand the reasoning to leave it out

Mar 04, 2021 Levache 113

Thanks @Uruk-guy! That’s a great idea. I’ll try swapping out Miruvor for the harp and see how it does.

Mar 04, 2021 doomguard 2191

consider Captain's Wisdom gimli or legolas can use it. with that, ancestral armor is playable 1. round. with legolas you can pay a courage (e.g. on him and then he is ready again)