Covert Bear

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Christian_Medic 1074

Who would have thought you could send a bear on a stealth mission? With the two lowest-cost heroes in the game that is finally a possibility. Starting in Secrecy you really want to draw Resourceful in your opening hand along with Light of Valinor or To the Sea. Gandalf is also a key ally and there is plenty of threat reduction to keep him in play. If Gollum shows his ugly head, Beorn can defend and then swat the runt back into line in the same phase. Lots of fun battling through the Hobbit saga with this.


Jan 17, 2020 McDog3 484

Beorn in a secrecy deck. Love it!

Jan 18, 2020 AltarofPan 59

oh this is fun. love it.

Jan 18, 2020 Christian_Medic 1074

Thanks guys!

Jan 18, 2020 Beorn 14320

Beorn in a Secrecy deck?! Two paws, way up!

Jan 19, 2020 doomguard 2191

defend and turn gollum in the same phase with beorn is great!!! i would perhaps trade some of the elves (so many carddraw is not there that you can use to the sea many times) for the secrecy allies (there is one green and one blue wich reduce to 1 res in secrecy)

perhaps a few tests.

Jan 19, 2020 Christian_Medic 1074

It for sure could benefit from some secrecy allies, but I like the Noldor theme associated with Glorfindel and how to the sea works to help spread the resources around and better make use of the tri-sphere resources. Originally built as part of this month's solo league challenge but it has a lot of legs on its own and I've had a blast playing it.