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The Battle of Lake-town - Progression |
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In Play
Discard Pile
nttArc 238
Oh man was this ever a hard scenario !
We went through several iterations of decks with a lot of scoops and then sat down again and did a substantial rebuilding that resulted in these decks that ended up beating the scenario on the first try. Don't get me wrong, we by no means "one shot" this scenario, we just happened to get our win the first time we used these decks but we had many scoops with other decks first.
I wont get too much into the weeds of our playthrough, there is so much going on and so much decision making it is probably better to just put some notes about the decks and scenario.
These decks are designed to pump up Frodo and Elrond as defenders. Attachments you want for Frodo: Song of Wisdom, Burning Brand, Fast Hitch and Protector of Lorien. The idea is to use Frodo to defend as much as possible taking the excess damage as threat. Fast hitch lets Frodo defend an immediate attack from Smaug and then a normal attack or if you put him in the staging area and your threat is low enough you can defend an immediate attack and quest. Put an extra Fast Hitch and you can do all three. You also want to get Arwen Undomiel on the board and target Frodo (usually, sometimes Elrond) and that buffs his defense so your threat raises slower (also gives you sentinel so Frodo can help the other side of the board). Burning Brand is obviously a must to cancel bad shadows (these decks don't run Hasty Stroke) and Protector of Lorien will also helps beef up defense. Also, if an untimely treachery makes Smaug attack unexpectedly, an exhuasted Frodo can still take an undefended attack.
Attachments you want on Elrond: Burning Brand, Vilya, Unexpected Courage, Protector of Lorien. Same reasons for Frodo attachments, although try to defend more with Frodo when possible. Once you get Unexpected Courage on Elrond you can use Vilya basically every turn. The only cards he can "whiff" on are A Test of Will (and duplicate uniques). Use Warden of Healing to heal up Elrond and protect Warden from dieing to the 1 damage to all characters treachery.
Duplicate uniques can be discarded with Protector of Lorien to buff defense on Elrond and Frodo or to discard for the Old Trush.
Get another Unexpected Courage on Beravor for more card draw. There are a lot of attachments you want in these decks so use all that card draw and "tutoring" effects like Master of the Forge.
Choose carefully when to engage Smaug and when to put in staging area. If your threat is low enough to not have to engage and you have a lot of willpower (you should always have a bunch) you should put him in the staging area. No need to attack him until you are ready to kill him and hopefully have found the Thrush.
Burn damage really doesn't matter (unless it hits 50) because on quest phase 2 you can strip a lot of that damage off while you are clearing out the staging area and looking for the Thrush.
Try to hold out as long as possible to use Aragorn's ability and prioritize playing allies and attachments onto the board before using resources threat reduction; use Aragorn/threat reduction cards when you have no other plays or no other option. You should be able to quest successfully every round so only the Frodo player will be worrying about threat value.
I'm sure there are tons of little timing decisions and tips that I have forgotten to write down but there is so much to think about during this scenario. Feel free to ask me a question if you are having trouble.