Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim - Progression - Katherine's De

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim - Progression
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

nttArc 238

Our final installment of the first Hobbit Saga box. Again, we kept the same band of heroes and took some treasures that we picked up in the first scenario. For rationales on the deck see the previous two Fellowships, however, there are numerous card changes here.

The decks should function very similarly as before, use same strategies. Still Mulligan Katherine's deck for Narvi's Belt. This time Mulligan Brad's deck for Song of Battle. The changes from the last scenario to this are primarily focused on making the decks more consistent for the Riddle Game and therefore there are even less leadership cards and important to get Dain paying for tactics cards as well.

Riddle Game guesses, Katherine's deck was designed (without watering it down too much) for the following best guesses 1) lore 2) ally 3) 2-cost. Brad's deck guesses 1) tactics 2) ally 3) 2-cost. If possible try to do more Riddles when Brad's deck is first player as that deck is more consistent at riddling correctly. Katherine's deck still get a fair number correct because the most common spirit and leadership cards included are 2-cost allies, you mostly miss the riddle on the Sphere of Influence.

Notable deck building errors: Imladris Stargazer and Keen-Eyed Took were included to use their effect to help have better information for guessing the riddles...then during gameplay I re-read the first riddle and realized that we shuffle the deck before discarding...therefore these effects do not help. I would still keep the Keen Eyed Took to be a 2 cost ally from the leadership sphere to help make some riddles more consistent but still have things for Thorin to buy until he gets the Narvi's belt. In place of the 3 Imladris Starazer I'd probably put 3 Wandering Took (again 2-cost ally consistency for riddling and better stats in case it mattered).

Our playthrough: We very rapidly got 7 progress on Quest Phase 2B through riddles and maybe about have the progress on Quest Phase 1B. Then for some reason we kind of stalled making progress on either. Then we proceeded to lose 2 consecutive riddles even when we used Baggins' resources for extra discards; both Brad and Katherine's decks lost a riddle. That made every riddle thereafter risky as Bilbo was one failure away from death and Warden of Healing cannot target him until Quest Phase 3. We did, however, recover from there. Once we popped those 2 simultaneous quest phases the 3rd had us a bit swarmed by goblins. Luckily 2 Gondorian Spearmen, a Watcher of the Bruinen and several discards and a timely Feint helped us manage until we made one final large questing push. We possibly could have lost there as almost all our characters quested while we still had a few enemies engaged from the last round (with potential for more to be staged). The only card that could have ended us though would have been the card that gives -1 willpower to all characters and they cant attack this round. We had no cancellation for it but at least we knew there was 1 copy in the discard pile. Luckily it did not come up and we made the required quest progress without having to finish off the engaged enemies that were hot on our tail !