Gandalf, The Grey Wanderer

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GusOrriols 638

This deck is builded around the new contract named The Grey Wanderer:



Use the contract Setup to attach Strider on Gandalf to quest without exhaust with 5 Willpower.

Mulligan for Narya or Gandalf's Staff. Note that if you get Word of Command in hand you will be able to search for this unique toys for him.

The Wizard Pipe is important too, and can be founded through the response of Bilbo Baggins if needed.

With Gandalf ability we can mine efficiently through Zigil Miner and Soldier of Erebor and gain resources with Hidden Cache. Messenger Raven and Expert Treasure-hunter are very good also with this Gandalf ability in order to draw some extra cards. Use The White Council if some important card is mined into the discard pile.

Some secrecy cards are so good at the firsts rounds to show up expensive allies in play (Timely Aid). For draw some extra cards the deck have (Taking Initiative). These expensive allies can be used for the Flame of Anor also. Note that you can't use the ability of White Tower Watchman until Gandalf is wearing Narya.

The response of Glorfindel or the ability of Zigil Miner (via Wizard Pipe) can clean your unusful cards in hand.

Please, comment if you want! This contract is amazing!

I didn't thought a lot in the Sideboard, really... There are some things for a multiplayer game, or transform Glorfindel into a Hero... or if more questing/location control is needed.


Nov 22, 2019 Benedikt 249

I think White Tower Watchman won't in this deck, because Gandalf has no sphere...

Nov 22, 2019 Benedikt 249


Nov 22, 2019 GusOrriols 638

@BenediktIn the details I explain that. You can play White Tower Watchman when Gandalf is wearing Narya.

Nov 22, 2019 Alonewolf87 2449

Well it's not so much that you can't play the Watchman, as that you do not benefit from its ability.

Nov 22, 2019 GusOrriols 638

@Alonewolf87My point is: Gandalf have a Leadership sphere when he has Narya. And then the Watchman can take undefended attacks.

Nov 23, 2019 Raiderjakk 59

Nice work on the deck! I wouldn't have thought to use the Watchman that way.

Nov 23, 2019 Hildemoose 39

I also thought about combining the new contract with Gandalf and I like your take on it (especially the watchman combined with Narya) But isnt a single Wizard Pipe too inconsistent? Because Bilbo can not be played without it once you have him in hand ...

Nov 23, 2019 GusOrriols 638

@HildemooseI put three Word of Command to search this kind of cards (pipe and ring). If some of this card is in hand, wonderful. If not, Bilbo&3 words (4 cards) can bring the pipe. The idea is to get this 4 extra spots for excess of ring and pipe unique cards with cards that can find them or, if you have this toys, find another stuff. It works fine for me in the playtest at the moment.

Nov 24, 2019 Hildemoose 39

@GusOrriols Ah yes I must have missed the word of command somehow. Then it all makes more sense to me and yes, I agree with your plan to free up space for other cards.