Thematic Outlands

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Derived from
The Army of Dol Amroth - Outlands Swarm - Pure Leadership 7 4 2 2.0
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Cuacuani 5

And so the companies came and were hailed and cheered and passed through the Gate, men of the Outlands marching to defend the City of Gondor in a dark hour; - The Return of the King

A (mostly) thematic mono-leadership Outlands deck, created by my wife and shamelessly posted by me for the sweet internet points.

The deck is meant to represent the armies that came to defend Minas Tirith. It plays much like your standard Outlands deck - play lots of Outlands characters to boost all your Outlands characters and then quest, defend and attack with hugely boosted allies.

All three Heroes being Leadership opens up some of the mono-sphere tricks, namely Tome of Atanatar to recur your events and Strength of Arms, which is perfect in this ally-focused deck allowing either a turn of heavy questing and then combat, or if there's a lot of enemies around, a turn of defending and then an immediate counter-attack. Lord of Morthond rewards you for doing the thing you already want to do - spamming allies from all four spheres.

There's also a lot of different tricks for shuffling resources around. Most of the time, you're trying to get these resources over onto Hirluin the Fair to pay for your Outlands dudes. Denethor moves resources by himself and Errand-rider exhausts to move a resource. Once Prince Imrahil has Prince of Dol Amroth attached and is generating resources, Parting Gifts becomes a great way to shift large numbers of resources over from Imrahil to Hirlun.

DĂșnedain Remedy is unthematic, slow and inefficient compared to most of the Lore-based options but is the only healing available in-sphere.

Tl;dr - generate resources, move them onto Hirlun, play loads of Outlands allies, win games.