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The Nîn-in-Eilph - 1 Player - 2020-02-29 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
InterDan 40
A solo progression decklist for The Nin-in Eilph. This is largely a straight clone of Michael R's deck from this thread. My alterations were mostly taking out the items and the Doomed cards (having Aragorn doesn't mean that threat means nothing to you, you still want to be able to hold off on using him as long as possible).
You might want to add A Burning Brand in place of maybe Asfaloth, but it's good to be able to trigger Hidden Eyot and/or Idraen's ability at will. If you don't do that, Blood of Numenor does better on Idraen than Aragorn; Spirit resources are under less pressure than Lore.
With Glorfindel, you usually want to mulligan for Light of Valinor, but Elfhelm is the same amount of threat reduction. Henamarth, as always in solo, is a good one to keep too.
I don't have enough play-throughs with this to offer stats on your odds, but it's the only deck that's got me as far as Stage 3. I hate this scenario very deeply.
lost my first game but won the second (easy mode). thanks