Dwarves Catch an Orc (solo progression)

Questlogs using this decklist
To Catch an Orc - 1 Player - 2019-09-30
Into Fangorn - 1 Player - 2019-10-06
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Mathrandir 78

A deck that is purpose built to beat To Catch an Orc solo, using only cards released until the Ring-maker cycle, no saga cards and one Core set.

This deck has met my goal of winning the scenario three times in a row.

The trick to the scenario is to defeat Mugash immediately when he appears, giving you two turns to quest out before the time counters run out and Mugash returns to staging. The deck can do this using Sneak Attack Gandalf and/or Lure of Moria. If needed, the deck can also grind it out for three turns, let Mugash return to staging with 4 damage and then use Gandalf to kill him after the timer resets.

Apart from defeating Mugash the scenario requires a lot of WP. Dwarves with Faramir generate plenty.

Dain with Dunedain Warning and healing can block all the enemies, even including Mugash himself. Record Keepers are there to ready him as needed for multiple enemies or his attack buff. Don’t quest with them or they will die to direct damage, unless you find Hardy Leadership. Snowbourn Scouts are good chumps for Mugash if you need them. Treebeard can also do solid attacking and defending.

Bifur will capture Mugash and become permanently exhausted, so play Celebrian’s Stone on Gloin. He also gets Heir of Mardil synergy. There is a 1 attack enemy in the quest that turns this into a repeatable readying effect for Gloin with easy healing. Leave that enemy engaged if it shows up.

A Good Harvest is in the deck to be able to play Legacy and a two cost Lore dwarf on the first turn. I never used it it any of the three wins, so if something should go out that is it. Swift and Silent would be my replacement, there seems never to be enough readying for Dain.