Kick back and relax with some smoke rings

Questlogs using this decklist
Danger in Dorwinion - 2 Player - 2020-01-12
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Pipe down you Hobbits! with new Pipe & event 14 8 14 1.0
Card draw simulator
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Splice 510

Splice has a newer deck inspired by this one: Pipe down you Hobbits! with new Pipe & event

This deck is all about taking all the threat gained by everyone during the game and reducing it to nothing. The engine relies on getting the pipes (mulligan for pipes/Bilbo!!) on all the hobbits, and love of tales for some resource acceleration. Then each turn you can play a threat reduction to draw 3 cards and once you get Song of Eärendil out you can start taking everyones threat for them.

Merry is the ideal person to stack the extra songs on to get a big benefit from Fireside Song. Friend of Friends should go on Frodo and Merry. 2 of the fast hitches should go on Merry so you can Quest, use his ability, and then attack for 2 (from Friend of Friends bonus). Frodo gets the other fast hitch to be able to quest then block/attack.

You can take 2 attacks with Frodo blocking for 4 (friend of Friends + Arwen) and then 1 undefended and raise your threat with his ability. You can kill small enemies with Sam, Merry, and the Gaffer/Pippin if needed.

Ideally this deck is played with other than can help with the enemies with big defense since you can't muster a bunch of attack power in a single turn. This deck is also weak against quests that do a bunch of Archery or has treacheries that do damage across the board.

Overall I had low expectations when I first played this deck but then engine got rolling and it was an absolute blast! I was sucking up my entire 4p games threat from all card including doomed and would still end the game in secrecy.

Have a blast and let me know what you think!


Oct 06, 2019 McDog3 483

Are you posting decks while AT Con of the Rings??? ;)

Oct 06, 2019 Marcelf 1368

Nice deck! Wouldn't Peace, and Thought be better than Master of the Forge here ?

Oct 06, 2019 Splice 510

@McDog3of course im posting while at the con! Someone wanted to be able to try it tomorrow after seeing it in action!

It's an interesting thought about Peace, and Thought but depending on the situation I think you need the fast hitches to make sure you can still quest/have defenders/use Merry's ability, etc. I'll try to test it today and report back on how well it works! Thanks for the suggestion!

Oct 07, 2019 KaiserWilly 292

IDK, this could be good, but these vaping hobbits didn't save us from the Nightmare Wargs of Eriador. They must have been attracted to the LEDs

Oct 07, 2019 PeaceAndThought 331

Peace and Thought is always better. ;-)

Oct 08, 2019 IstariKnight 34

Nice list, Splice! I think I'll have to wait until the Fellowship event to have 4 players to team up with, but I'm looking forward to leaning hard support.

Oct 08, 2019 The BGamerJoe 5205

I played Dale across from this list for a 4 player game of Nightmare Across the Ettenmoors. I only raised my threat by 3 points the entire game. AND these hobbits ended the game with 0 threat! It was kind of nuts.

Oct 08, 2019 Darkling Door 6565

I had a similar experience, played across the table from this deck a few times and after a few rounds you just... stop touching your threat dial. We could engage the high threat enemies at our leisure! Makes a really fun partner deck.

Oct 08, 2019 zsavk 1

Watching this deck in action is very calming. 10/10 would ride hobbit coat tails again.

Jan 12, 2020 Fair and Perilous 3

Hah, yea I was that someone ;). This desk is super fun. I swapped out for and much prefer the former. I’m not playing the deck with an appropriately built complementary one, though.

Jan 12, 2020 Splice 510

@Fair and PerliousI agree I think Peace & Thought is better and it is more thematic as well!

Jan 12, 2020 Fair and Perilous 3

Who do you generally put Love of Tales on? Do you wait until you have Song of Wisdom and play it on Merry?

Jan 13, 2020 Splice 510

@Fair and PerliousI try to get it on everyone but will play the first one on pippin as soon as i get it. Since most of the songs are neutral you can pay for things with his resources so getting that acceleration as early as possible is the best.