Galadriel goes to WAR

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Galadriel goes to WAR 0 0 0 2.0
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Kirha 28

Kirha has a newer deck inspired by this one: Galadriel goes to WAR

Galadriel brings card draw and threat reduction to the scene, while Gandalf, Hama and Legolas keep the bad guys down. As with everything I build, this takes some time to get going but really begins to come together after a few rounds. This concept is really familiar, so I'm not sure if I've done it before or if someone else has...

Power early questing with Gandalf or Handmaidens bolstered by Galadriel with Nenya. Draw with Galadriel when possible. Get the Mirror on Galadriel ASAP and use it to grab whatever cards you need. You'll need those Handmaidens for sure, as they're really the only direct questing power outside of Gandalf. Keep cycling tactics Events with Hama as best you can; between Foe-Hammer and other draw effects, you can draw through the entire deck easily.

I'm actually thinking that for many quests, this has too much attack available; in early testing I never had enough enemies to keep everyone busy. I found Gandalf's extra 2 threat to be very easily offset by the free questing, and Shadowfax makes him a very flexible combat Ally.

Comments and suggestions welcome; I'm terrible at this!


Oct 02, 2019 BardLee4 401

I thought this deck would be about Galadriel's high Wins Above Replacement, lol. I think having a lot of 1-ofs reduces the consistency greatly as a general rule, I would try and get some of your cards to 2 or 3 copies especially if you like to aggressively use Mirror of Galadriel and have to random discard. If you really rely on Gandalf, he should be a 3-of. You also have no healing so I would drop Derndingle Warrior plus Winged Guardian due to the forced effect for 2 Defender of Rammas. If you have Marksman of Lórien or Galadhon Archer use them instead of Dúnedain Hunter and Veteran Axehand to play more Rivendell Blades and have targets for Foe-hammer. You seem to think you have too much combat ability so consider something like West Road Traveller, Arwen Undómiel, or Ethir Swordsman (if you don't object to Outlands) for extra questing. Excellent use of Hands Upon the Bow and Quick Strike to deal with defending. I also like the inclusion of a couple of lore cards due to Nenya, something easy to miss.

Oct 06, 2019 Kirha 28

Many thanks for the suggestions and commentary. I'm going to attempt to integrate some of that advice.

I went with quite a few one-of cards because I didn't want to end up with dead cards in hand. Maybe I should find a few discard effects, add more of the best and reduce some of the chaff, counting on discarding some.

Galadhon Archer in particular for a Rivendell Blade is an excellent idea I hadn't considered! I hesitate to increase the ratio of Spirit cards, concerned that I'll have a hand full of them and no way to pay!

Again, much appreciated suggestions! I'm making some changes tonight.