Searching for Entwives

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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Haldan gets the Bling 14 8 7 1.0
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Rimogard 316


This is a location-control deck with lots of healing, which includes:

  • Haldan - the new rising star
  • Treebeard - the heavy lifter
  • Mirlonde - underdog for life

I’ve used it mostly solo, but it works well in multiplayer games, too.

First, Haldan. He provides a lot of action advantage (when he doesn’t exhaust to quest) and card draw thanks to the 13 location attachments.

Treebeard can quest for 7 or attack for 8 (with the help of Ent Draught)... that says it all. In order to get the best out of him, there are a lot of healing cards such as Warden of Healing, Ioreth, Wellinghall Preservers.

Last but not least, Mirlonde. Don’t forget that thanks to her, you can play Lembas on Treebeard and you start at 28 threat, which is invaluable for decks that feature hero Treebeard.


There are some cool combos in the deck that include the Erebor Hammersmith. From the discard pile, they can fetch you a copy of Lembas so you can heal and ready Treebeard more often. You can also fetch some of the location-control attachments depending on the situation.

When possible, use the following order when playing attachments: Put Off Pursuit, Elf-stone, Woodmen’s Path, in order to reduce the quest points to 1 in the end. The Path should be the last one. The order for the other ones doesn’t matter. Remember that you can first trigger Haldan’s ability to draw cards and then you can use the Elf-stone to put an ally into play. It’s quite possible that you end up with a better ally in hand.

Another key card is The Hidden Way. It helps you find locations, which sometimes just refuse to show up in solo games.

Put Off Pursuit is another new and very promising card. It saved my bacon a couple of times while playing the Black Riders quests. Since you start at 28 threat and you have the Woodmen’s Clearing/Erebor Hammersmith combo, you can actually make it work.

Resource-wise, I don’t remember experiencing any issues playing cards from my hand.

If you find any other interesting card interactions, share them in the comments below. I hope you’ll have a great time playing with the deck. It sure is fun!

Quests played so far:

The Nin-In-Eilph - 1 W (131); 0 L

The Hills of Emyn Muil - 1 W (88); 0 L

The Fords of Isen - 1 W (129); 0 L


  • A Shadow of the Past - 1 W (143); 0 L Mr. Underhill added Gandalf’s Delay added

  • The Old Forest - 1 W (122); 0 L

  • Fog on the Barrow-downs - 1 W (120); 1 L Ho! Tom Bombadil! added

  • A Knife in the Dark - 1 W (138); 0 L Skilled Healer (on Treebeard) added

  • Flight to the Ford - 1 W (105); 0 L Ho! Tom Bombadil! removed Weight of the Ring added Panicked added Overcome by Terror added

  • The Ring Goes South - 1 W (133); 0 L