Sweet, Dangerous Honey

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
The (Second) Last Alliance of Men and Elves v 1.6
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Sweet, Dangerous Honey 0 0 0 5.0
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Sweet, Dangerous Honey 2 1 0 7.0
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Alonewolf87 2356

Alonewolf87 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Sweet, Dangerous Honey

This is the Lore deck for a 4 Mono-Sphere Decks Fellowship.

General Analysis

The primary focuses of this deck are healing, card draw and playing traps.

More than 60 cards might be frowned upon, but with the great number of draw effects in this deck it still flows quite well.

Faramir often becomes a powerhouse between the traps that keep the enemy in the staging area and Advance Warning. He often helps Legolas, Glorfindel or the Leadership heroes with the kills. He is the preferred target for Wingfoot.

Damrod is up to his usual traps Shenanings making them cheaper and providing additional card draw, It also fit with the general Gondor theme of the Fellowship.

Elrond is mainly here to boost all the healing effects in the game. With A Burning Brand (and sometimes a Gondorian Shield) he's also a good defender, should the need arise.

Steward of Gondor usually ends up played on Faramir (for semi-thematic reasons) or Elrond (to give it the Gondor trait as a more efficient choice), since Lore is usually the deck most hungry for resources.

Cards Description and Notable Interactions with Other Decks

Anborn helps with cycling more traps, and so does the Erebor Hammersmith even though the latter can often find better targets on other deck's discard piles.

Elladan has a decent Willpower to cost ratio for Lore, a conditional readying and with some luck (or the help of fetching cards) can combo with his twin from Spirit.

The Envoy of Pelargir keeps in line with the Gondor theme of the fellowship, as does the Ithilien Tracker (which has also a useful "questing" effect since in 4 players seeing at least 1 enemy in the Quest phase is the norm).

Gaffer Gamgee's effect might be difficult to make use of due to the high threat of the deck, but when it hits is amazing.

Ghân-buri-Ghân can help avoid some very nasty travel effects and Henamarth Riversong is a cheap ally for Lore (its effect is less awesome on 4 players games but can still be useful if timed right outside the quest phase). With Boromir helps it's also usually at 2 Attack, which is quite good for its cost in Lore.

Gléowine helps with a targeted drawing effect across the fellowship.

The Warden of Healing, Ioreth and the Imladris Caregiver are the main core of the healing machine, and can also be used for the Athelas.

The Miner of the Iron Hills also helps with the nasty Condition attachments.

Quickbeam, Haldir of Lórien and Robin Smallburrow are some good stats-to-cost ratio allies with a couple of interesting effects. Gandalf is its usual awesome self.

The traps (Ambush, Entangling Nets, Forest Snare, Poisoned Stakes and Ranger Spikes) have a variety of fun effects and helps in every aspect of the game, while also providing even more card draw thanks to Damrod.

Asfaloth is as always amazing for the location control and ends up on Glorfindel.

The Athelas helps with the Condition attachments and has a few possible targets with the Healers of this deck.

The Lembas has lot of flexibility as always and thanks to Elrond also cures for 4 points of damage.

The Ranger Spear has many possibile targets, from Aragorn, to Mablung to Damrod and Faramir themselves. The Leather Boots also provide some conditional readying (which in 4 player is quite likely to happen) to those same targets.

The Magic Ring provides amazing flexibility in exchange for some threat, and usually ends up on Beregond as another form of readying.

Advance Warning can be amazing with the right timing, while Radagast's Cunning and Secret Paths are the usual Lore emergency buttons.

Daeron's Runes and Mithrandir's Advice are the main draw effects.

Forest Patrol and Interrogation further the trap theme of the deck with some additional utilities.

Radagast's Cunning and Secret Paths are awesome as always, amongst the best cards of the Core Set still to this day.

Heed the Dream is incredibly useful, especially considering that is quite likely we will swing for the full effect since 3 Leadership resources are usually easy to find.

Gather Information is amazing and we quite often chain it with another side quest from the other decks.