Theoden and Kin

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Subduing Mugash
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Elessar010 556

My reworked Rohan deck for the second and third quests of Voice of Isengard. Eomer is regularly attacking for 7, which was more than enough to handle enemies in these quests, either on his own, or with Theoden's 3 attack, or 5 attack, if Theoden was equipped with Herugrim.

In my opening hand, I usually look for Snowmane or Firefoot, or the Horse-breeder. She failed to find a mount probably about 40%-50% of the time in a small sample size of one night with numerous attempts at the two quests. I will mulligan if I don't get one or two of those three cards. Also, even if I do get one, too many of the unique allies will be a mulligan. In these two quests, Golden Shield wasn't as necessary on Theoden, but Snowmane is absolutely essential for the free ready.

Eomer was almost always my first target for Unexpected Courage (or the combo with Horse-Breaker), so he could go to town on enemies. He easily chopped down Huorns, and could make a mess of Mugash!

This deck may not stand up to others, but it's on to Dunland Trap!