Siege of Cair Andros

Questlogs using this decklist
The Siege of Cair Andros - 1 Player - 2019-07-28
The Blood of Gondor - 1 Player - 2019-08-11
The Siege of Cair Andros (Solo Progression)
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Mathrandir 78

A deck that is purpose built to beat Siege of Cair Andros solo, using only cards released until the Against the Shadow cycle, no saga cards and one Core set.

This deck has met my goal of winning the scenario three times in a row.

For the stage 1 siege, you need as much Defense as you can get. Defender of Rammas, Winged Guardian and Gondorian Shield are the cards you most want to see in your starting hand. The high Def allies, Beregond and Thalin will quest while Hama stands back to attack a potential enemy. There are three enemies that engage at threat 28, and Hama can kill two of them with one swing after the free damage from Thalin.

You must explore the Banks starting location first, as you have nearly no Willpower in the deck. Always keep a chump blocker back while the Banks are in play, you can’t take any attack undefended at this point because of the avalanche style shadow effects. Feint and Quick Strike also do the job. Except against Haradrim Elite, who will attack twice and who Hama can’t kill. Chump block and then Feint is your answer, but just clear the Banks in as few turns as possible. Swift Strike is in the deck solely to kill the Elite when he attacks from staging (after the free damage from Thalin), if you’re lucky enough to draw it.

Once the Banks are explored, it becomes easier. Now you can let attacks go undefended into the Approach starting location, you will have no problem with stage 3 anyway. Still siege as fast as you can to explore the Citadel starting location.

For the stage 3 battle, Vassal of the Windlord, Veteran Axehand, Trollshaw Scout and so on do the questing together with Thalin and possibly Hama, depending on the board state. Your high Def allies and Beregond now go on defense duty. With no starting locations left in play, you again can’t afford undefended attacks. You should be able to clear this stage in one or two turns.

For the stage 5 battle, the same allies do the same jobs, but at this point there is usually a small army of enemies engaged with you. Thicket of Spears is silly good here, and the best target for Hama’s ability. One recurred Thicket should see you over the finishing line. If you don’t have it, the other events do the job less effectively. Thicket is one very good reason to go mono Tactics here, apart from mono Tactics making the Master’s Malice and Orc Vanguard do nothing.

There is a lot of archery in the scenario and no healing in the deck. Between the heroes, allies (Eagles of the Misty Mountains in particular) and possible Citadel Plate, you should be OK. Archers should be priority targets to kill.

Spear of the Mark might seem inefficient here, but with each extra Att, Hama can kill at least one more type of enemy with one swing. This matters even more with Quick Strike. Hama is the hero that will be attacking because of his ability, so it makes sense to make him better at it.

Have you made another deck that can consistently beat this scenario? Please tell me about it in the comments!