Santa's Reindeer

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Swift Ride to Mordor
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teamjimby 937

Come sit on Santa Theoden's lap and let him tell you a tale about how he acquired all of his reindeer (a.k.a. Rohirrim)...

This is a deck that takes advantage of Theoden and a lot of Rohan synergy. Basically, you play a lot of Rohan allies, use A Very Good Tale to get even more allies, and enjoy the synergies that develop. It can be played solo or multiplayer. It pairs nicely with lore decks (healing for Erkenbrand) and non-ranged attacking decks (like Eomer or Beorn) because of Erkenbrand's and Theoden's sentinel.

Here are some strategy points:

  • Instead of only using Sneak Attack on Gandalf, now you can also use it on Eomund! It's best to use Sneak/Eomund during the quest phase so you can quest with everyone and be ready for combat. Hama is also an option for Sneak Attack if you need two defenses.
  • When you use A Very Good Tale, you'll want to exhaust at least 6 resources worth of allies because there are a lot of 3 cost allies. If you can exhaust 7+ resources, that also gives you more options to play Gandalf and another ally.
  • Don't forget that Gandalf readies at the beginning of the refresh phase before the end of the round, which is the perfect time to use him for A Very Good Tale.
  • Gamling can recycle allies like Hama, Riddermark's Finest, and Westfold Horse-Breaker so you can repeatedly use their abilities and replay them with Theoden's discount.
  • Unexpected Courage and Dunedain Marks should go on Erkenbrand. However if he takes too much damage you can move the Dunedain Marks to Theoden and make him your primary defender.