Noldors, Bears and a Hobbit

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Yes we can reforged the Steward !!! WAIT STEWARD IS AN OBJEC 24 10 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Noldors, Bears and a Hobbit 4 1 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
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Marcelf 1375

Marcelf has a newer deck inspired by this one: Noldors, Bears and a Hobbit

Inspired by 13nrv's deck :

Merry is here to play Good Meal to lower the cost of Reforged or Stand and Fight. this way we can often play on turn one a free Steward of Gondor and/or a free big beorning ally.

Drinking Song, Daeron's Runes, Elven-light and the 2 abilities of Galdor of the Havens help a lot to set up the combos. Try to trigger Galdor's action asap. I am assuming that I can discard any number of cards with To the Sea, to the Sea!, even if I don't play any Noldor ally. Am I right?

Fast Hitch and Light of Valinor are good targets for the 2 other copies of Reforged.


Jun 25, 2019 Flrbb 170

Would not say so. But not sure in the end. To the Sea is limited to a minimum of one, so you cannot discard more cards than needed.

Jun 25, 2019 Marcelf 1375

The cost reduction is limited, but I am assuming that the number of cards discarded is not limited.

Jun 25, 2019 Alonewolf87 2449

I wonder if using Good Meal on Reforged or Stand and Fight is helpful or not. Do the cost reduction of Good Meal comes into play before or after using the X value to return card in play? Cause if it happens before it's basically useless. Has anyone asked this question before to Caleb?

Also I would consider putting in a couple of Map of Earnil or Dwarven Tomb to re-use more those events.

Jun 25, 2019 Marcelf 1375

It looks like Caleb allows us to do it ^^

Jun 29, 2019 Marcelf 1375

after some games, I made the following changes :

-3 Elrond's Counsel

+1 Elven Light

+2 Dwarven Tomb

You were right @Alonewolf87about Dwarven Tomb. with it I can discard reforged or stand and fight without regret^^