Traps for the Corsair (DC: Hunt for Gollum)

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Daily Challenge: The Hunt for Gollum - 1 Player - 2019-05-28
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Denison 633

Daily Challenge: Play The Hunt for Gollum using a deck with Na'asiyah.

This deck is my first with Na'asiyah. After almost threating out against this quest I might add Secret Vigil or Woodmen's Clearing.


Damrod - With 21 traps his ability should trigger reliably for card draw. Master of the Forge is there to assist with finding traps. All enemies in this scenario are viable targets for traps which seems rare these days.

Glorfindel - He is there for location control along with Mirkwood Explorer. He gets the boots and blades.

Na'asiyah - She is the primary defender, so she receives the defensive attachments. The traps help give her time to build up resources. She only needs to build up a few in order to be effective against these enemies. The cost of the tactics cards are all one resource, so she can actually pay for helpful tools when the coast looks clear.


Most of the attachments are traps and have obvious utility.

Leather Boots were useful on Glorfindel to allow him to attack after questing. The Hunters likely take two rounds to kill, so the boots can do some work, even in solo.

The Quest

The traps allowed Na'asiyah to build up and she proved to be a fine defender and distributor of attachments as well.

Every other round an ally hit the board and after several rounds they were an excellent attack force dispatching hunters and goblins alike.

Lots of threat increasing treacheries here that nearly carried the day for Sauron. I didn't find a clue until about round 7 and then a 3rd and 4th came quickly. Luckily most of the hunters were already managed and the group was able to quest for a solid victory.

11 completed rounds = 110 Total combined Threat = 48 Total damage on Heroes = 5 Cost of dead Heroes = 0 Victory points = 9 TOTAL SCORE = 154