Bear Aggression

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
Bear on a Boat 35 26 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

James 86

Finally managed to beat Raid on the Grey Havens solo with this, after much failure (and swearing).

It's a straightforward aggro deck, heavily inspired by TalesftCards's comments on using Beorn to kill off the Ravager in the first turn, and his subsequent deck Bear on a Boat.

Strategy was to quest as hard as you possibly can right out of the gate. Hobbit Gandalf is really good to see early on, as is either Light of Valinor or a couple of Miruvors for Glorfindel. While Elven-light isn't as powerful as it is with Arwen Undómiel, discarding it to Éowyn still makes it a useful option. I was happy to leave any locations that don't harm either the Dream-chaser or your allies to burn and managed to progress to Stage 2 with only 4 damage on the Dream-chaser, which made coping with Na'asiyah a whole lot easier.


May 08, 2016 James 86

I feel like I've stolen the deck title from someone else, it's such an obvious pun. If I have, my deepest apologies! Your deck is probably better than mine if that's any consolation.