The Dain and the Discard

Questlogs using this decklist
Mount Gundabad - 1 Player - 2019-05-09
Journey Along the Anduin - 1 Player - 2019-05-10
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Dain and the Discard 10 6 1 1.0
Inspiration for
The Dain and the Discard 4 3 2 3.0
Card draw simulator
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Card Talk 1219

Card Talk has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Dain and the Discard

This deck is very similar to its first version except that upon playing it, I think that three Erebor Toymakers is a little much. Decreasing to two and adding Orcrist and Magic Ring just help with the overall feel of 1) a powered up Gandalf's Staff with the Ring of Barahir and 2) Glóin not being left out of the -"powered-upness"

As I have played the deck, I have found that I have really had to use Will of the West at least once per game to have access to all the cards. Here's how I've found that this particular deck works:

It seems to be vital to get Gandalf's toys on him soon. He is a powerful hero and Gandalf's Staff is a great for him, obviously. So your attachment acceleration should focus on his toys more than other things.
Unexpected Courage is also great to get out in the beginning and attaching it to Dáin Ironfoot can help with defending. Also, with 3x Ered Luin Miner and 3x Hidden Cache, defending early with Dáin Ironfoot is great. Routinely, I have been able to get at least one of Gandalf's toys on him with at least some sort of ally in play in the first turn, if not more.

It seems the best thing is to have 2x Untroubled by Darkness on Dáin Ironfoot for defense along with the Ring of Thrór.

Gandalf should end up with Shadowfax, Narya, Magic Ring, Gandalf's Staff, Wizard Pipe, Silver Lamp and the Ring of Barahir which will give him +4 hit points, lots of readying, shadow cancelation, and all sorts of stuff.

Poor Glóin really gets the other attachments like King Under the Mountain, the last Unexpected Courage, Orcrist. That makes him a pretty good attacker and resource generator.

I find that the best place for Steward of Gondor is on Dáin Ironfoot as well because Glóin can generate resources, the Hidden Cache can give you money often and Gandalf with Narya and the Magic Ring can give leadership resources. Gandalf's Staff should be used to make up for where ever you need the extra resource.

Lastly, with all the readying that happens on Dáin Ironfoot and Gandalf, putting 1x Silver Lamp in the deck means that you never have to worry about a shadow card again. Also, with Durin's Song, Dáin Ironfoot can become a beast pretty quickly for the round. Especially after you A Test of Will the first time because all that left in your deck are events.
