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The Treachery of Rhudaur - 2 Players - 2019-06-15 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
cazathorn 31
The Noldor elves have a rich knowledge and wisdom that they can employ to accomplish great deeds.
You will find other Noldor decks with the same strategies, just thought I would also share my deck of these powerful folk. The wonderful thing is there are only a few key pieces to build this deck around, and then a lot else can be swapped in even with a limited card pool.
This deck's synergy comes from the many avenues of card draw, to find the right card at the right time, not too soon or too late. Erestor baffled me at first, it seemed like a really advanced concept. After acquiring Círdan the Shipwright I realized how Galdor of the Havens, and Elven-light, and other card draw can essentially get you a new hand every round, increases your chances of pulling out great cards quicker. This idea actually makes this a very easy deck to play and great for beginners.
With that, To the Sea, to the Sea! helps recruit expensive allies such as Galdor or Gildor Inglorion as early as turn 1. Since you are discarding your hand you want to spend as much of it as possible, along with To the Seas Lindon Navigator and Protector of Lórien make sure you are getting some other great benefits.
Silver Harp let's you keep a special card from round to round until you are ready to use it, mainly A Test of Will.
In this iteration I have been playing through Angmar Awakened, hence East Road Ranger helping out here. This deck synergizes decently well with Dunedain as well, so throw in Tale of Tinúviel for some Earendilian excitement, and Inspiring Presence too.