Not the Droids You're Looking For

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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

GrandSpleen 1438

May the Fourth Be With You!

Join C3P0, R2D2, and Obi-wan Kenobi as they attempt to flee the clutches of the evil Galactic Empire.

R2D2 and C3P0 neutralize enemy threat by sneaking by--- posing as innocent droids. Of course, they are actually rather conspicuous, and you are eventually bound to be caught by the alert and semi-competent soldiers of the enemy. That is where Obi-wan comes in, waving his hand and making everyone forget you were ever here.

Function: R2 gets to boost his willpower because he's a spunky little droid. Attach Fireside Song and give him all the excess Songs to beef him up. Add a Protector of Lórien (which discards unused uniques or Elven-light) to use his ability along with questing, or to turn him into a serviceable defender. Fast Hitch makes those Protector of Lórien stats go further in the combat phase with multiple defenses. Although Obi-wan may be your only hope, R2 is carrying Princess Leia's message and is a good recipient of her support.

3P0 mostly worries and nags R2, but he contributes with Light of Valinor and Mirkwood Long-knife, either using his ability or using his attack during combat.

Have fun and May the Force be with you!


May 04, 2019 TheChad 14310

This is awesome

May 05, 2019 GrandSpleen 1438

Heeyyyu we just beat 3 player Passage through Mirkwood and I was using this. Hah!