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In Play
Discard Pile
GrandSpleen 1438
May the Fourth Be With You!
Join C3P0, R2D2, and Obi-wan Kenobi as they attempt to flee the clutches of the evil Galactic Empire.
R2D2 and C3P0 neutralize enemy threat by sneaking by--- posing as innocent droids. Of course, they are actually rather conspicuous, and you are eventually bound to be caught by the alert and semi-competent soldiers of the enemy. That is where Obi-wan comes in, waving his hand and making everyone forget you were ever here.
Function: R2 gets to boost his willpower because he's a spunky little droid. Attach Fireside Song and give him all the excess Songs to beef him up. Add a Protector of Lórien (which discards unused uniques or Elven-light) to use his ability along with questing, or to turn him into a serviceable defender. Fast Hitch makes those Protector of Lórien stats go further in the combat phase with multiple defenses. Although Obi-wan may be your only hope, R2 is carrying Princess Leia's message and is a good recipient of her support.
3P0 mostly worries and nags R2, but he contributes with Light of Valinor and Mirkwood Long-knife, either using his ability or using his attack during combat.
Have fun and May the Force be with you!
This is awesome