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In Play
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Seastan 45864
This was part of a challenge to maximize winrate against Nightmare Battle of Carn Dum using a Rohan deck with 2/3 Rohan heroes and 2/3 Rohan allies
Get out Firyal first. It's possible to get her out turn 1 with this deck if you also start with A Good Harvest. Once she's out, the quest turns into easy mode because you can toss away all the sorcery cards, and with A Test of Will to cancel Daechannar's Will you never have to worry about Thaurdir flipping.
Then start building a super-Grima with A Burning Brand, Golden Shield, Protector of Lórien, and Unexpected Courage. He handles all the defenses, with Elven-light to fuel Protector, and Keys of Orthanc to supply Arwen with resources to keep up the Lights. So a side-effect to boosting Grima's defense is you get to draw a lot of cards, which is nice.
Attacking power can take a little while to come online, since it's all in your allies, but I haven't had much issue just letting some enemies pile up in the staging area until you've got 8 ready to go.
The deck is 2/2 on wins/attempts. Wish I could get some more statistics but I don't have much time these days.
P.S. Burning Brand is rumored to have an errata making it Restricted and requiring it to exhaust in order to cancel the shadow effect. I played the second attempt under the presumed errata and it still worked fine. Just save the brand for the really nasty shadow effects.
P.P.S. If you want to sacrifice a tiny bit of power for a bit more Rohan flavor you can swap out Arwen Undómiel for Théoden and Elrond's Counsel for Woodmen's Clearing.
May 02, 2019 |
May 02, 2019
May 02, 2019I hope they don’t make an errata on Burning brand!! |
May 03, 2019I love the tense atmosphere of anxiety around wondering what "other" cards have been hit by as of yet unannounced errata! :) Really enjoying these Rohan/Carn Dum decks. The "Eowyn open" is a brilliant tech for this scenario... leveraging the huge attack boost to clear the first battle location and then some. I looked at a deck by The Mormegil the other day that used this massive attack boost and Thurindir to pretty much auto quest through the battlefield location + a side quest on turn 1. I think getting Firyal out on turn 1 is a pretty tall order considering you need to see Firyal, Keys of Orthanc, and a Good Harvest in the opening draw... and I seem to have enough problems getting one key card out in the mulligan let alone 3! Still it's cool that it's possible. Another idea would be to leverage Elf-stone by putting it on the starting battle location and then using the "Eowyn Open" attack boost to clear it. That puts Firyal into play for 1 cost! and only relies on seeing two cards in the opening hand. That errata on Burning Brand, if true, sounds really fair. If we are honest it makes BB a very powerful card but less abuseable, which is what errata should do. Look forward to giving this deck a run against CD. |
May 03, 2019
Elf-stone is good idea, as it would give you an alternative 2-card combo to make it more reliable. The extra copies of Elf-stone would be pretty useless though. The extra copies of Good Harvest, on the other hand, are still very useful. If resources start piling up on Eowyn or Grima, you can use Good Harvest to convert 3 of those resources into cards with Elven-light+Protector of Lórien. |
May 03, 2019
I feel like I'm one of the few players who really likes to play Elf Stone still. It's great not only for Firyal's but also Gandalf drops if you don't have a Sneak Attack in hand. However, I can see where extra Elf Stones in this particular deck of 2-3 cost allies and inbuilt cost reduction/resource acceleration would probably be pretty useless after Firyal. Looking forward to trying some of these decks since I've struggled pretty mightily in the past to take down Carn Dum in solo. I hear the NM version is slightly easier... have you run this deck against the original version with similar results? I've never played NM so not certain of the magnitude of the difference. |
May 03, 2019I can confirm the errata on A Burning Brand , sadly ... No way to post an image here ? It's french version though ... |
May 03, 2019
May 06, 2019Here you go : |
Arwen has also been rumored to have an errata that makes you discard her after you use her ability. :)