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In Play
Discard Pile
Devaresh 2163
It is stated in the Lord of the Rings that Bilbo was friends with many of the younger hobbits, and here I like to imagine that Bilbo is telling a story to Frodo and friends by the fireside...where he may be prone to exaggeration.
How do I justify playing Hobbits in Harad? Well its not so hard really with Bilbo explaining his exploits to eager young hobbit ears.
For more info on my card choices and how I built the deck check out my blog:
How does it play?
This is a new spin on a familiar archetype. Lovers of hobbits will be very familiar with most of the pieces. This particular deck is geared toward using the new Bilbo Baggins and a slew of the new guarded cards to play to our favorite burglar’s strengths.
The deck is flexible, and turn 1 can look very different depending on the quest. Things which are generally good to see are Resourceful which will always go on Folco Boffin first, and Sam Gamgee who gives a nice turn 1 willpower boost. I will also keep a hand which has a Hobbit Pipe or two and a The Shirefolk for some lower threat and bonus cards. Sting is also an amazing turn one play if you can handle the extra staging area threat.
Frodo Baggins is your defender and you will be putting Sting on him along with pretty much every Fast Hitch, Friend of Friends, and possible even Glamdring. Sting is an incredible card and getting uses out of all those stats is incredible.
The first Hobbit Pony goes on Bilbo Baggins to allow him to commit to the quest after an enemy has been revealed, and the second Friend of Friends usually goes on him as well. Hail of Stones, and Gandalf are there to help finish the job if you need to accelerate taking out that enemy in the staging area.
Guarded attachments are tricky because you need to make sure you don’t bite off more then you can chew. Using Henneth Annûn Guard and Shadow of the Past can help you find the right target so you can get your treasures in play.
Gaffer Gamgee helps mitigate some enemy attacks if you get engaged too soon. Master of the Forge will help you get your attachments.
The events are mostly there to provide a boost as needed and control threat. Bilbo Baggins can stack his ability so you can do double if you play commit to the quest, play Elevenses and then recommit using Hobbit Pony. Grappling Hook is in the side board as an additional recommit tool.
General Tips
The key to any good heist is patience and knowledge of the place you want to this case the encounter deck. Hobbits don’t give very much room for error, and guarded cards can be extremely unforgiving. You need to be cautious when playing this deck, and make sure you take the time to set up any necessary preparations as you go. Knowing when to have A Test of Will in your hand, or when you need that extra willpower is crucial. Waiting a turn to gain your footing before you play the guarded card will often reap rewards more readily.
All in all this deck is a blast to play. It’s flexible, doesn’t rely on secrecy, and can play solo or multiplayer. (You can be everyone’s favorite table mate if you share your attachments!) Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!
Apr 10, 2019 |
Apr 11, 2019Thanks |
Apr 12, 2019Great deck. I tried to make one with these heroes and wasn't comfortable with it, so bravo for figuring it out. I ended up making one with spirit Merry and Risk some light and similar secrecy shenanigans and manipulation of the encounter deck with guarded. |
Sep 17, 2019That looks like a lot of fun. (Found it via link from Visions of the Palantir.) Especially appreciated the blog-post write-up. Thanks! |
Sep 19, 2019Cool deck and great blog entry! |
That is great advice about the guarded cards. I have held them in hand an extra turn to try to make sure I can get them attached to a hero the same round they entered play.