Erebor Toymaker's Stabby Sticks

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Card draw simulator
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TheChad 14298

Remember Lawn Darts?

Well, Middle Earth has it's own version: Stabby Sticks!
Fun for kids of all ages. Our Toymakers have developed a unique and exciting toy that every child of Middle Earth will love to play with!

The Gimmick You should be generating at least 3 resources a round thanks to Arwen Undómiel. More resources if you get the Zigil Miner - Imladris Stargazer combo online. Play the Toymaker and give a hero something to play with. Does Gimli want a rocking horse? Or maybe he wants to dress up like a knight in shining Armor? What elf would not like a pair of Stabby Sticks?

Opening Hand

Of course, Elven-light. If not, then the Stargazer and Glorfindel are your next priority.


This is a very simple deck to pilot. Discard Elven Lights to gain money and ready Gimli and Glorfindel. Discard cards to the Miner to gain more money. Shuffle in your discard pile with a Will of the West if you need to. You quest for a lot, defend with Gimli, kill with Legolas and Glorfindel.


Other than the ones mentioned above, Ring of Thrór on Gimli is good, and if you get Miruvor out you can keep recycling it. Play Miruvor on Gimli. Put it back on top of your deck and give him a resource. Ready Gimli with the ring and put Miruvor back on top of him to repeat next round.


Apr 09, 2019 MinkeWhale 76

This deck is fun. I run a similar deck pure solo, but had not thought of thror/miruvor loop. As soon as I saw toymaker I knew he would fit right in.

Apr 11, 2019 kypatzer 91

Cool deck, I’ve had suprisingly good success getting Ancestral Armor on Spirit Dain with Well Equipped in a similar deck.