The Tower of Dáin Ironfoot

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The Tower of Beregond 30 21 7 1.0
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Allison of Brand 71

DISCLAIMER : I'm a casual player, i don't play with errata. I essentially play in multiplayer for fun. Hope you understand !

Greetings my friends !!!

I propose to you a deck that was inspired by "The Tower of Beregond" from the great Seastan (you're my MVP). It relies on Dáin Ironfoot instead of Beregond.

The mechanic (not the movie with Jason Statham)

Mulligan hard for Imladris Stargazer or Ring of Thrór. Your goal is to overstuff Dáin Ironfoot, the best defender of the game. Yeah, he doesn't have Sentinel (but will get it sooner or later thanks to Dúnedain Signal or Arwen Undómiel in the sideboard) but he has 3 to 6 from the start ! I did'nt put Dúnedain Warning or more cards that buff because 6 was enough so far to defend most of the enemies of the game. There is Hauberk of Mail (plus 1 hit point when you'll get sentinel) and Lembas to help if you need more defense. Don't hesitate to discard from the deck, you have Second Breakfast and Erebor Hammersmith to get back some attachments you want. Armored Destrier + Silver Lamp is a neat combo : you choose which enemy to block with the nicest shadow card, then you discard the ugly one thanks to Armored Destrier.

Orcrist and Glamdring are for Haldir of Lórien of course, to make him more beefy. It reminds me a little of "The deck you want your friend to play" from, once again, MVP Seastan.

You have Celebrían's Stone and Strider to equip Balin, to help your friends when questing. Don't hesitate to play a 6th character, by the time Strider made a lot of profit. I chose Balin over Gildor Inglorion because of Well-Equipped : if you have Gildor Inglorion and you draw Celebrían's Stone or Strider via Well-Equipped, you can only equipped it to Dáin Ironfoot. It's not impossible to make him a quester (and then ready him with Magic Ring, Unexpected Courage or Ring of Thrór) but it's less interesting. You want to keep his readiness for enemies ! But i admit that Gildor Inglorion is more interesting that Balin. Théodred is in the sideboard if you really struggle to have enough ressources.

I don't play Arwen Undómiel and Steward of Gondor in the main deck because they are too popular but if no one among your friends play these cards, don't hesitate to include them !

If you want a deck closer to "The Tower of Beregond", replace Haldir of Lórien by Erestor and put some cards that give you more ressources, like Tighten Our Belts, Captain's Wisdom and Zigil Miner and don't forget to remove A Test of Will, because you can no longer keep cards in hand and Unlikely Friendship (one of the best card in the game, you gain litterally one ressource out of nowhere !) because you won't have a unique character that is Silvan. Or you can replace by Beravor if just like me you hate to discard your entire hand at the end of the round and want to keep A Test of Will to counter those nasty treacheries !

Enjoy !!!