The Warrior and the Wizard 2.0

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Warrior and the Wizard 14 4 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Quantius 102

Just an update to the first version:

Idea is simple, about half the deck is cheap/free events to capitalize on Gandalf's ability in as many phases as possible.

The real benefit of having so much card draw and freebie's is that it thins greatly your deck very quickly so Prince Imrahil's ability is basically never going to miss. Coupled with Wizard Pipe, you can always hold back something that you've drawn and swap it out before using Imrahil or Red Arrow to guarantee it lands.

Never have more than 3 allies out (exempting Imrahil's ability) to keep Strider active. Stider goes on Gandalf and Heir of Mardil goes on Prince Imrahil, Gandalf quests without exhausting and then uses his staff to give Imrahil a resource which then allows him to ready with Heir of Mardil.

Unexpected Courage + Narya are for late game when you want to be able to defend/attack with allies in the same turn. Usually Gandalf and Imrahil can take out most things.

Flame of Anor is more about action advantage than it is bonus damage although if need be, you can pump out a massive amount of damage in a single turn. The White Council is a multi-faceted tool, often used for an extra Ready on Gandalf, particularly in conjunction with Flame of Anor.

Guardian of Rivendell is a neutral ally with low cost that helps you throw away your extra Staves, Striders, and Pipes (or deep knowledges if you don't need to draw/have high threat).


Mar 04, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Does your deck ever run out of allies for Imrahil with so much card draw from Gandalf?

Jan 10, 2020 ellipticaltable 224

Can you use Wizard Pipe with an empty deck? If not, then Miruvor would nicely solve the issue.