Adventures after the Battle of Five Armies

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The King's Quest - 1 Player - 2019-02-22
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PeaceAndThought 324

The Battle of Five Armies is over.

And it's time for Gandalf to pick some new companions and go on a new adventure!

This solo deck features the famous Grey Wizard, the new king of the dwarves, Dáin Ironfoot, and Folco Boffin, friend of the Baggins bachelors and likely adventurer.

Along for the ride is a motley collection of unique and generic allies, as well as a bagful of attachments, including many guarded treasures, such as Glamdring, Necklace of Girion, Orcrist, and The Arkenstone.

Starting Hand

This deck is pretty versatile, so a number of opening hands will serve you well. Ideally, you'll begin with either an Imladris Stargazer or a Zigil Miner. If neither of these appears, even a Wizard Pipe or Gandalf's Staff is acceptable. You really just want a way to 1) get a few more resources early (hence the Miner or Staff), or 2) rearrange the top card(s) of the deck (hence the Stargazer or the Pipe).

Early Game

During this portion of the quest, Dain is your stalwart defender, discarding from the top of the deck to boost his Defense to 6 and hopefully putting Ered Luin Miners into play or triggering Hidden Cache. Folco is a decent quester/attacker, and Gandalf can play any of the three roles as needed and can be readied easily with Magic Ring.

Arwen Undómiel will get you questing and help Dain's defense, Bilbo Baggins will help you dig for pipes, and the three Ethir Swordsman can get you significant willpower. Meanwhile, if the quest isn't pushing you too hard, feel free to drop out some of the Guarded treasures. Ring of Thrór is particularly useful, since it lets you ready Dain in a pinch, and possibly get a free attachment in the meantime, especially if you're arranging your deck with the Stargazer and Wizard Pipe. If you find yourself pressed hard by the encounter deck, don't play the guarded treasures and instead focus on spitting out allies.

Mid- to Late Game

This is the period where your Zigil Miners should be netting you significant resources, which you can use to get those amazing one-off unique allies in: Firyal, Galdor of the Havens, Gildor Inglorion, or Glorfindel. Even if one of them bites the dust, a quick play of Stand and Fight will get them back in action, and since Glorfindel can be played from the discard pile, don't be afraid to let him die anyway, and just bring him back.

When your deck is thinning out, a timely Will of the West will keep the engine running. And if you need a final YOLO questing turn, discard as much as you can to Protector of Lórien and heave your battered crew across the finish line!


In quests that ramp up quickly, I will sometimes ditch most or all of the guarded treasures and swap in more universally useful cards like Leather Boots for Folco, Cram for Gandalf, and Silver Lamp for Dain. Also, if I don't want to discard Folco to drop threat, I chuck in The Galadhrim's Greeting instead.

Final Notes

This deck is still a work in progress (as are all decks!), but it's a blast to play. The mining/deck manipulation mechanic gives you lots of choices from phase to phase. Let me know how your experience goes, and please comment/critique.

The Battle of Five Armies is over. Let's go on an adventure!


Feb 23, 2019 SamthemanGamgee 477

Nice deck! Cool to see new dain and gandalf together

Feb 23, 2019 PeaceAndThought 324

Thanks, @SamthemanGamgee!