That One Turn

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Seastan 45852

This deck is a multiplayer deck (4 players ideally) that doesn't quite pull its weight. It's somewhat decent at turn 1 questing, but after that your heroes are often being used for Peace, and Thought, and your resources are mostly going into drawing cards. You might get to cancel a key treachery with A Test of Will, but most of the game you will feel like you are not contributing much, and players across the table are going to wondering what exactly your deck does.

Then, there's that one turn. The turn your playgroup will be talking about for years to come:

The table is flooded with enemies. This is due in no small part to the lackluster role you've been playing all game. Sure, you took an enemy or two at some point, but you've been holding them off with your Defender of Rammas and not killing them. Others are in a similar situation. There's so many enemies in play that it's taking every effort just to defend them, let alone attack or kill any. But even that is not going well. You've revealed a couple more enemies and it looks like this turn will be the last. One of your partners starts a discussion about what went wrong and what tweaks they can make for the next attempt.

"Hold on guys, I got this."

Play The Hammer-stroke. Engage everything.

"Sacrificing yourself may get us through this combat phase." You hear. "But after you die, they'll all go back to the staging area and we'll threat out next round."

Play Out of Sight. If you're in secrecy and have Good Meal on Merry, it's free. Or if you're not in secrecy, double up on the Good Meals.

"Nice!" You hear. "That does buy us a round. But next turn you're going to die for sure, and then we'll have the same problem."

Trigger Éowyn. Play down Hour of Wrath. Casually scoop up the row of enemies infront of you and place them in the discard pile.


Feb 20, 2019 Sfrug 399

One thing I've never understood about Hour of Wrath. Normally if a character is ready after attacking they can attack a second time; if they ready again, they can attack again. So if a hero doesn't exhaust at all to attack, why couldn't they kill everything without a big attack? Without triggering Éowyn, say? Her 1 attack should do it: just attack over and over and over until it's dead. Right? What am I missing?

Feb 20, 2019 GrandSpleen 1438

Nice, this reminds me of an old deck by teamjimby called The Hobbit-Stroke although his aim was to engage everything and keep it engaged, not to kill. Also even better! Out of Sight, in secrecy with Good Meal, will be free, not cost 1!

Feb 20, 2019 SamthemanGamgee 479

@Sfrug you can only attack an enemy once so repeated attacks arent possible on the same enemy. Also you cant declare the same character as an attacker twice against the same enemy

Feb 20, 2019 Seastan 45852

@GrandSpleenThanks, fixed!

Feb 20, 2019 Sfrug 399

`@SamthemanGamgee' So if you (say) are playing Boromir, you can't attack, ready him by raising threat, and then attack again against the same enemy? Or use Unexpected Courage (with any hero) for the same purpose? I thought that was allowed.

Feb 21, 2019 slothgodfather 45

No that is not allowed. It isn't even per character, it is per player. A player can only declare an attack against an enemy once during the combat phase. However, cards that grant an attack, like Quick Strike, can be used to get around this.

Feb 21, 2019 Sfrug 399

Ok, thanks.

Feb 22, 2019 死锁 289

Interesting Deck.

I have done some thing little bit like this, I use Beregond+Gimli+Éowyn in Pelennor,using The Hammer-stroke+Hour of Wrath(valour) defend and kill almoste everything(no The Witch-king) include 4 Wraith on Wings.

Only 10 can't kill every enemy.

Feb 22, 2019 Seastan 45852

@死锁10 can't kill every enemy, it's true. But for those enemies, there's Unseen Strike.

Feb 22, 2019 Brinx 36

I'm loving the casual, unmentioned inclusion of Blade of Gondolin. Not only will you be killing all the enemies, you'll also place a ton of progress and finish of the quest.

Mar 20, 2019 ShortcutsMakeDelays 168

Why not add Herugrim to make sure Eowyn kills everything? Although that looks like it only works for one attack?

Oct 12, 2023 Community collection 1

I know these comments are old, but just in case anyone out there is interested, I have been wondering for a while about Hour of Wrath. I think Sfrug may be correct that this card allows a character's multiple attacks against the same enemy to be coalesced into a single attack. See the last sentence below, taken from the official FAQ:

(1.11) Limitations on Attacks

When a player is the active attacker during the combat phase, the game rules grant him the option to declare 1 attack against each enemy with which he is engaged. If, through card effects such as ranged, a player is able to declare attacks against enemies with which he is not engaged, the game rules still only provide for a single attack against each of these enemies. However, if a player makes an attack against an enemy by a card effect such as Quick Strike (CS 35) or Hands Upon the Bow (D 131), that is an extra attack and does not count against the limit of 1 attack. Characters are not limited as to how many times they can participate in attacks against the same enemy, provided each attack can be legally declared, and the character is ready and eligible to be declared as an attacker.

Oct 13, 2023 SordosTheDefenestrator 1

The problem is that unlike Quick Strike the text of Hour of Wrath itself does not cause attacks. You are still limited to declaring one attack per enemy according to the normal framework of the game. If you a card that allowed you to declare additional attacks (like Quick Strike but without the built-in requirement to exhaust), or in multiplayer if another player uses a ranged attacker to declare an attack, then Hour of Wrath would allow that character to participate as an attacker once per individual attack. When you declare an attack and are choosing which characters are participating you can't choose the same character multiple times as an attacker regardless of whether or not they must exhaust. Otherwise Trollshaw Scout would be able to nuke anything with a single discard... and as much as I would love for him to be able to do that I don't believe that's the designer's intent.

Oct 14, 2023 Diamondore12 27

@SordosTheDefenestrator just wanted to say I love your username. I know someone who used to threaten defenestration (jokingly) on a regular basis.