Leader of Elves

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TheChad 14310

Leading the Silvans into battle without The Tree People? Am I crazy? Yes, but that is not the issue here. This strong line-up of Celeborn, Gildor Inglorion and Thranduil is a new spin on the classic 'bouncy-Silvans' archetype.

How the deck works:

Celeborn boosts the stats of Silvans when they enter play, he can quest early game, combat later. Gildor provides questing and card draw. Thranduil defends and his ability is the cornerstone of the deck. Use Thranduil's ability to play off-sphere boosted silvan allies during the combat phase. Bounce allies back to your hand with Feigned Voices and The Elvenking. Once you get a few Silvans in play you can get more via A Very Good Tale. Quickly you will have a board full of allies that are perfect for Faramir and Strength of Arms.


Play The Elvenking on Celeborn, during combat pull back a Silvan Ally to ready him. A good choice is a Naith Guide because you can play her during the next planning phase. A good trick is to use Thranduil's ability to play Galadhon Archer to damage an enemy in staging or engaged with someone else. Use his ranged 3, then pull him back into hand with Elvenking to repeat the next round. With O Lórien! he only costs one.

Faramir + Strength of Arms. This is a classic mono-leadership combo. Send every ally to the quest, even those with 0 (in multiplayer make sure everyone exhausts allies that have a reason to, Warden of Healing, A Very Good Tale targets). Exhaust Faramir to use his ability, then play Strength of Arms to ready all allies at the table. If you need to, you can use Faramir a 2nd time on your allies to double up for a massive boost.

Captain's Wisdom and Greenwood Archer. Collect 2 resources, play the Greenwood Archer for 2 or 1 resource and ready the hero.

The Storm Comes and Song of Travel are one-ofs to help play off-sphere allies. Second Breakfast is there in-case you discard a needed attachment from A Very Good Tale. Tome of Atanatar lets you re-use events as needed. Healing is handled easily by Silvan Tracker.

Final Thoughts:

This is a fine solo deck, but it is a really great multi-player deck. Once it gets up and running you will be providing a lot of ranged, a lot of , and ally readying. It is also very fun to use. During combat you have a lot of options to chose from; making this a very interesting and exciting deck to play.


Jan 02, 2019 Rimogard 316

Great take on the Silvan archetype! I’ll definitely try it out solo but I just can’t resist adding Gandalfs and Sneak Attacks with this hero lineup... I’ve been recently playing even mono leadership decks too and found them to be quite powerful (Dain, Thorin, Brand / Dain, Balin, Brand) even without SoG. Leadership heroes in general seem to be very strong in specific deck builds.

Jan 03, 2019 The Broken Meeple 61

I'd been thinking along similar lines as I wanted Mono Leadership to be the thing. Great to see it works well solo. But I hit a snag. for those of us who aren't blessed with having access to Gildor Inglorion via the 2 player set in the UK (sniff sniff), who would be a decent LD replacement? Doesn't have to be Silvan, but I do like theme in my games! :P

Jan 03, 2019 The Broken Meeple 61

Probably just "proxy" him - the rest of the LD lineup is pretty bad! :P

Jan 03, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

@The Broken MeepleSam Gamgee is a good choice. To supplement card draw, you could sub in Rod of the Steward and make use of Leadeship's resources. Campfire Tales and We Are not Idle are good deck-thinners. If you went with Balin, you could run Unlikely Friendship and King Under the Mountain.

Jan 03, 2019 TheChad 14310

I agree with Wandalf, Samwise is the best choice if you don't have access to Gildor. Proxy is always an option as well. thanks for the comments!

Jan 04, 2019 The Broken Meeple 61

I'll probably do a colour print proxy as Noldor fits better than a Hobbit in this regard. Also as much as I do like Sam, I feel his ability wouldn't get used much and he'd just be there for the 3 Willpower. That card draw can't be taken lightly for a Silvan deck.

Jan 05, 2019 Goggen 119

Mono-leadership bouncing silvans and no Reinforcements ?

Jan 05, 2019 TheChad 14310

@Goggen well, with O'lorien 2 silvans could cost 3 or 4 resources and get to stay in play until you are ready to bounce them back. I think Reinforcements is better for a Leadership deck without a hero like Thranduil, who let's you get past the sphere restrictions.