Right in the Gloin

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Fellowship of the Bling
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

SubwayTolkien 125

Idea is to jack up Glóin to defend and generate resources. Dwalin to attack, and Dáin Ironfoot to.....well, do nothing, but just be helpful by being there.

First goal is to get Self Preservation, Narvi's Belt and Steward of Gondor on Gloin. This allows him to self heal to keep damage contained over time, and get him generating resources to spend.

Second but important priorities are A Burning Brand on Gloin to help nullify any nasty shadows and Unexpected Courage. I would normally recommend Unexpected Courage on Gloin since he can either defend twice or quest and defend, you could also put in on Dwalin since he can then attack twice to help reduce threat.

Ideally, once Gloin is generating resources, you can put out Northern Tracker and the Longbeard Map-Maker, and just start questing like crazy while still holding Gloin and Dwalin back to be you primary attacker/defenders.