Spirit Silvan Location busters V2 (Con of the Rings updated

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Spirit Silvan Location busters 8 5 6 1.0
Inspiration for
Spirit Fellowship Deck 1 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Durins_Father 3246

I love discovering old cards and figuring out a deck around them. This was the case with this deck that uses some obscure cards to great effect to act as a pretty solid location control and questing deck. This deck was designed to be used for multiplayer purposes, though I have tried to cover most basics, so that the deck can also work reliably solo against less enemy heavy decks.

Let's start by looking at the heroes, beginning with Legolas. He is one of the few heroes I haven't used in a long time, as he generally only works with Gimli. But since his ability uses cards as fuel, I wanted to use him in a Noldor synergy type of deck, while also taking advantage of his Silvan and Scout trait. Equipping Legolas with the Light of Valinor, Map of Rhovanion, and 2 Mirkwood Long-knife will allow him to quest for a base of 3 without exhausting and making 1 progress on the active location, which isn't bad. On top of this, you can discard a card like Elven-light or Elwing's Flight to ready another hero. In multiplayer, this can be another questing hero who also has solid combat potential, or in solo, this can work with Galadriel if you used her action or Nenya already.

Legolas can then be used for combat, contributing at least 5 across the table with his Ranged keyword. But if that isn't enough, you can also use Fair and Perilous to boost his by his , making good use out of those Mirkwood Long-knife. If you get the option to attack in the quest phase, it would have been even better, when adding Galadriel's willpower with Nenya, but another version of that deck could exploit that. Magic Ring can go on Legolas if you find that he is attacking more often than Beregond is defending.

Galadriel is here mostly to grant you access to via her ring, and to support your allies by not exhausting to quest. This leaves them ready and protects them from effects like Necromancer's Reach. As most of your allies are Silvan, they don't generally see a second turn in which they must exhaust to quest. I have thrown in a copy of the Mirror of Galadriel to find your cards more quickly. Her card draw and threat reduction will come in handy, allowing you to stabilize your threat and drawing through your deck quickly, fueling Legolas's ability. Once you draw into an Elven-light, you can just recycle that one to keep Legolas readying other characters.

Since decks tend to be vulnerable when it comes to defending, I added Beregond to the party. He will allow you to handle most attacks early on, while you set up additional defenders like Elrohir. Armour is hard to come by in , so you will either be relying on your fellow players, or you will have to fall back onto some events. I went for Tides of Fate for the added defence and the possibility of having a 4 hero ready for combat if needed. You can find out if you will need this event, since you get to see Shadow effects with the Silver Lamp. Put this on Beregond for advance knowledge of your combat. This does not fully work with Sentinel defenders, but you shouldn't die easily to those attacks. Healing is an issue, so if other players can support you with that, it is appreciated. You can decide to throw in Lembas, but that is up to you. Magic Ring can support you with more defences should you need them, but Desperate Defense can do the trick as well.

The star of the show is Hithlain together with cheap Silvan allies like the Galadhrim Weaver, Silvan Refugee, and the Woodland Courier. These allies allow you to place a bunch of progress on a location, while also getting some good questing allies out on the board, which can help with early pushes in . On top of this, you can allow your allies even more by using Children of the Sea. This card is underused in my experience and works pretty well in this deck.

The Galadhrim Weavers have another purpose as well, getting back your copies of Hithlain. This will require some timing but should allow you to play more than 3 copies per game. Alternatively, you can use Dwarven Tomb to recurr it if you want to.

The other non-Silvan allies in the deck help with combat mostly, Elladan and Elrohir boost each other and can quest reliably in a Orc heavy encounter deck. Glorfindel is good discard fodder and will eat more cards from your hand if you need him to. Pelargir Shipwright is just reliable good willpower, and can take a beating when it comes to Archery. Rhovanion Outrider will be placing even more progress into the staging area, being a decent attacker as well when he first enters play.

At Con of the Rings 2018, this deck succefully took down A Shadow of the Past, Helm's Deep, and Roam Across Rhovanion. All were played with 2 players, having a partner deck that can be a bit more defensively and attacky really helps.


Oct 16, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2542

How consistently were you able to get good use out of Hithlain? It looks like you'd have the means to recur it with the Weavers and the single Dwarven Tomb.

Oct 16, 2018 Durins_Father 3246

It is nice to see it in your opening hand, along with some allies. I have found it extremely useful to clear those 5 quest point locations that appear in many quests. However, sitting with other Silvan players at the table accelerates the deck massively. Have a deck with Celeborn on the table is even better. You can use Children of the Sea to pull allies back into your deck, or you can recycle them with The Tree People though I didn't include it since I didn't want to be dependant on Lore so much. Island Amid Perils is also an option, though you shouldn't need that much threat reduction, as this deck can keep a low threat pretty consistently. Dwarven Tomb and Galadhrim Weaver can indeed return Hithlain to your hand should you need more copies. If you are unable to find Hithlain in your games, maybe use Mirror of Galadriel and Silver Harp.